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07. Future Prospects

The past year has been a turning point for the Greek aviation At the same time, a rationalisation of the seat capacity
sector with the successful privatisation of Olympic. At the currently provided by Greek airlines in the domestic market
same time, it was a year with critical developments in the is expected in 2010. Also, following the 2009 developments
macroeconomic environment witnessing the evolution in the Greek aviation sector, we can reasonably expect
of the economic crisis in Greece and worldwide. During market share re-allocation and strategic repositioning from
this milestone year, AIA achieved traffic stability and Greek airlines in the next years. The recently announced
high profitability. These crucial events of 2009 will have prospects of a merge between Olympic Air and Aegean
an important influence to AIA’s traffic performance for Airlines will also have very important effects on traffic,
2010. but also in other areas of AIA’s business.

The Greek economy is expected to remain in a state of As a result of the above, the Airport Company projects
recession throughout 2010, with no quick turnaround for 2010 an annual passenger throughput of 15.8 million,
expected in domestic economic activity. These economic corresponding to estimated operating revenues of €353
conditions are expected to have an effect on Greek million.
residents’ travel demand. On the other hand, there are
tangible signs that the traffic downturn is bottoming out In 2010, the Airport Company will undertake a revision of its
in other parts of Europe and this is expected to have a Business Plan, taking into account all recent developments
positive impact on foreign travellers’ demand. in the corporate and wider environment, and focusing
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