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Furthermore, airport employees brought 10.6 tonnes of We focus on development, by introducing training cycles
recyclable materials to our Recycling Centre. aiming to enhance both skills and competencies. Within the
past year, 32 employees from various departments graduated
AIA is one of just a few international airports that owns successfully from “AIA-mBA – mini Business Administration
and operates its own Sewage Treatment Plant (STP). In Programme”, an extensive 122-hour management course
2009, the STP treated approximately 370,000 m3 of sewage. in collaboration with ALBA Graduate Business School.
In an effort to reduce water consumption, the treated
effluent from the STP is used to irrigate non-public areas In 2009, we participated in the Leonardo da Vinci (LdV)
at the airport. In addition, a new, sticker-based campaign European training programme, exchanging professionals
encouraged all airport visitors and airport personnel to across European airports. The programme continues in 2010
limit their water consumption when using restrooms and and will fully cover the costs of a 1-week visit to Munich
kitchen facilities. Airport for 20 employees. The first visit was realised in
November 2009 with 6 participants.
The efforts of our wildlife control team minimised the risks
associated with wildlife strikes with aircraft. Our colleagues Approximately 89% of AIA employees attended at least one
participated in the 4th Attica Bird Watching Competition training session, leading to approximately 13,018 training
and received the award for the observation of pallid harriers hours for 2009, a significant increase compared to 2008
(Circus macrounus), one of the rarest species in Attica. (9,000 training hours). Training courses, mainly on airport
operation issues, have also been delivered to our business
As part of our stakeholder active engagement process, we partners within the airport community.
participated in the public consultation for the Strategic
Noise Map and the revision of the Noise Management As a responsible employer aligned with market practices,
Action Plan. Furthermore, we organised several meetings the company maintains a group life and medical insurance
to bring together all stakeholders (state authorities, local programme for all permanent AIA employees and their
communities, airlines). Within this process, further measures dependants (a total of 1,790 persons), as well as a pension
for the reduction of aircraft noise nuisance were defined programme of matching contribution aiming to reduce
and have been brought forward for implementation. the gap between State Pension and the last salary before
retirement (95% participants).
6.4 Employer’s Responsibility
Strongly believing in effective and modern corporate internal
AIA invests in its human capital, acknowledging its significant communication, we regularly upgrade our Intranet site to
contribution to the lasting success of the company. We make information easier to access and share, while our
maintain a productive work environment based on the quarterly newsletter “We@AIA” gives our people an insight
core principles selected by the employees themselves: into AIA’s business activities, as well as the “lighter” side
effectiveness, respect, customer focus, accountability, and of our corporate life.
team spirit.

Our employees are involved, motivated, and develop on a
systematic and continuous basis. As a direct result of our
people’s commitment, the company reports high productivity
ratios (Revenues & ADF/Employee: €583,749 vs. €557,757 of
2008, Passengers/Employee: 22,576 vs 21,833 of 2008).

The Airport Company employs 702 people under open-
ended contracts, with an average age of 39 years and
a high educational background. It is worth noting that
29% of our personnel have been recruited from the local
communities. In 2009, there was an increase in the turnover
ratio, mainly attributed to recruitment opportunities with
the developments in the local airline market (5% of open
ended personnel in 2009 vs. 2.0% in 2008).

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