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The Aviation Fuel Contingency Plan was established in facilitated, with the provision of the required equipment,
2009, incorporating the entire fuel supply chain from the airlines willing to provide to their passengers mobile
the refineries to the aircraft. Within this context, all check-in service. Following the completion of the test-
emergency scenarios are being examined to develop an pilot period, all airlines are facilitated to provide mobile
overall continuity plan with clear-cut responsibilities of check-in service to their passengers.
all stakeholders involved in the fuel supply chain.
Since the introduction of the Baggage Reconciliation
The Airport Company played an important role in handling System the use by the airlines has been gradually increased
the termination of operations of Olympic Airlines and to over 80% as a result of the system’s offered benefit in
Olympic Airways Services and the commencement of handling passenger luggage. Overall, smooth Baggage
operations of Olympic Air, Olympic Handling and Olympic Handling operations prevailed throughout the year, with
Engineering respectively. Special arrangements were the total annual throughput at 7.3 million bags and a
introduced for the accommodation of the old fleet and high availability rate of 99.50%, while additional technical
the proper transition to the new one, contributing to the improvements have taken place (extension of Problem
successful commencement of the home carrier’s operation. Baggage and Security Level 3 chutes, improvement of
sorter carriers and tip-offs, etc.).
Following a detailed design and planning phase and a
two months’ trial, the new EU Regulation 2320/2002, Operational excellence and value for money services are the
regarding access to Critical Parts within security restricted cornerstones of AIA’s aeronautical development strategy.
airport areas, has come into effect in our Airport since Aeronautical pricing and airline support programmes are
July 2009. According to the new regulation, all airport key drivers for this strategy. In response to EU regulation
staff, flight crews, support personnel and vehicles undergo for the critical parts the security charge increased to 5€
the same level of screening as the passengers and their per passenger. Landing & parking charges, as well as
hand baggage, prior to being permitted entry into the passenger terminal facility charges remained unchanged.
Critical Parts area. An adjustment from €0.65 to €0.78 per pax applied on
the PRM fee following an agreement with AIAUC.
During 2009, a number of national and airport related events
(17th Ministerial Council of the Organization for Security and Although the general economic recession has impacted
Co-Operation in Europe and the Bilderberg Club meeting) heavily the passenger traffic and consecutively airlines
were dealt with outmost efficiency. A close co-operation and airports, AIA continued to offer its competitive
between involved parties resulted into accommodating special incentives to those carriers which chose to invest in
requirements while ensuring quick and efficient transfer Athens, through the introduction of additional and new
of the visitors without interrupting the normal traffic flow. services. In particular, AIA’s non–discriminatory Incentives’
Scheme is highly characterized by a developmental
As part of the Airport’s preparation for handling the H1N1 approach, focusing on airlines that add new routes and/
Pandemic, a close co-operation with the Airport Health or frequencies in their network operated to/from Athens
Check Station and the Public Health Authorities took place. International Airport. It is worth mentioning that this
An Airport Pandemic Plan was developed in cooperation Scheme has gradually been (and is continuously being
with the airport stakeholders (airlines, handling agents, built), based on the continuous feedback from the
State Authorities & AOC), in order to handle a potential commercial departments of AIA’s airlines–partners.
wide-spread impact to the Airport Community. In this respect, by enhancing our distinguished marketing
programme and focusing this year in the electronic media
In preparation for the winter season and potential adverse we implemented targeted marketing actions, aiming to
weather conditions, a series of snow removal exercises provide appropriate support, and to address airlines’
were performed, while the newly acquired equipment individual needs. During 2009, 40 airlines benefited with
has been successfully tested. Also, during 2009, the de- a total value of €6 million in the form of incentives and
icing coordination centre (DECO) was established and is marketing support.
ready for operation in order to ensure the efficient co-
ordination of Ground Handlers’ de/anti-icing operations In addition to the above, the continuous improvement
under severe winter weather conditions. of the Incentives’ Scheme and the continuation, during
Within the context of introducing technological advances, 2009 and further elaboration of the marketing support
thus optimising facility utilisation and passenger service, programmes clearly demonstrated AIA’s active engagement
the Airport Company has increased by four (4) the in supporting its airlines–partners during these critical
available CUSS check-in stations with further CUSS times and in helping them reduce considerably their
stations to be installed for 2010. In addition we have
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