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P. 113
THE RODAKIS HOUSE Houses are the lexicons of a lifetime. They gle stands for power. As noted by its current
stand as eyewitnesses to the passage of time owner, the architect Dionisis Sotovikis who
IN AEGINA IS A for people, as the long-term historian Fernand took over its rescue and promotion: "Roda-
Braudel would say. Whether we talk about kis' house is a genuine, authentic expression
GREAT EXAMPLE OF palaces or humble houses, the skill, the dia- of the soul and spirit of a person who, with-
logue with the environment, and the hidden out social and economic power, manages to
ARCHITECTURE MADE TO details all contribute to a dialogue that brings combine all the arts into a unique and unified
the past to life. Let's travel to Aegina, to Mes- whole, while at the same time being a farmer
THE MEASURE OF MAN. agros, where the Rodakis House is nestled on who lived there with his wife and eight chil-
a slope. Its harmonious simplicity, unpreten- dren. Architecture, Sculpture, Music, Poetry,
Η ΟΙΚIΑ ΡΟΔAΚΗ ΣΤΗΝ tious humanity, and poetry are so profound and Philosophy, in his hands, become tools
that perhaps we could limit its broad mean- of expression and representation of deeper
ΑIΓΙΝΑ ΕIΝΑΙ EΝΑ ing by simply calling it "folk," as this build- values and ideas, almost universal in nature."
ing moved from Pikionis and Seferis, to Ad- Clearly, this is why Dionisis Sotovikis actively
ΣΠΟΥΔΑIΟ ΠΑΡAΔΕΙΓΜΑ olf Loos and Le Corbusier. The house was engaged in the rescue of the Rodakis House.
built by Alexandros Rodakis in 1884, where At this point, it's worth noting that the res-
ΜΙΑΣ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚHΣ ΣΤΑ he lived with his wife and eight children. As cue and promotion of Rodaki’s House is the
a farmer, craftsman, architect, sculptor, and sequel/ continuance of Dionisis Sotovikis’ ef-
ΜEΤΡΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥ. painter he combined every form of art with fort, that began back in 2007, to promote the
his homeland’s structural materials combin- historical house-atelier of Spiteris couple in
ing traditional building knowledge with his Kykladon street, in Kypseli-Athens, a work by
painting and sculpting skills, as depicted in visionary architect Aristomenis Proveleggios.
the symbols on the façade. Thus, the clock As he emphasizes, "just as Rodakis himself
represents time, the pig symbolizes luck, said, 'this house is built with ideas, not stones.
by Ira Sinigalia the snake represents knowledge, and the ea- If these ideas are removed, the building will
collapse.' The preservation and promotion
of this house comes precisely to support and
ΕMOTIONAL highlight the essence of architectural practice,
which is nothing more than the transforma-
tion of materiality into an emotional and in-
tellectual structure. Alexandros Rodakis did
not build his house with the aim of leaving a
cultural heritage in the conventional sense.
He shaped and breathed life into the house
that housed his own experience, and as his
ORIGINAL SOUL life evolved and changed, the house evolved
The house was built by and expanded with him. In this harmonious
Alexandros Rodakis in 1884. ensemble of buildings that defines the Roda-
Το σπίτι το έχτισε ο Αλέξανδρος
kis House, the ideas and values of Alexandros
RESCUE Ροδάκης το 1884. Rodakis are imprinted - in the most essen-
THE RODAKIS HOUSE Houses are the lexicons of a lifetime. They gle stands for power. As noted by its current
stand as eyewitnesses to the passage of time owner, the architect Dionisis Sotovikis who
IN AEGINA IS A for people, as the long-term historian Fernand took over its rescue and promotion: "Roda-
Braudel would say. Whether we talk about kis' house is a genuine, authentic expression
GREAT EXAMPLE OF palaces or humble houses, the skill, the dia- of the soul and spirit of a person who, with-
logue with the environment, and the hidden out social and economic power, manages to
ARCHITECTURE MADE TO details all contribute to a dialogue that brings combine all the arts into a unique and unified
the past to life. Let's travel to Aegina, to Mes- whole, while at the same time being a farmer
THE MEASURE OF MAN. agros, where the Rodakis House is nestled on who lived there with his wife and eight chil-
a slope. Its harmonious simplicity, unpreten- dren. Architecture, Sculpture, Music, Poetry,
Η ΟΙΚIΑ ΡΟΔAΚΗ ΣΤΗΝ tious humanity, and poetry are so profound and Philosophy, in his hands, become tools
that perhaps we could limit its broad mean- of expression and representation of deeper
ΑIΓΙΝΑ ΕIΝΑΙ EΝΑ ing by simply calling it "folk," as this build- values and ideas, almost universal in nature."
ing moved from Pikionis and Seferis, to Ad- Clearly, this is why Dionisis Sotovikis actively
ΣΠΟΥΔΑIΟ ΠΑΡAΔΕΙΓΜΑ olf Loos and Le Corbusier. The house was engaged in the rescue of the Rodakis House.
built by Alexandros Rodakis in 1884, where At this point, it's worth noting that the res-
ΜΙΑΣ ΑΡΧΙΤΕΚΤΟΝΙΚHΣ ΣΤΑ he lived with his wife and eight children. As cue and promotion of Rodaki’s House is the
a farmer, craftsman, architect, sculptor, and sequel/ continuance of Dionisis Sotovikis’ ef-
ΜEΤΡΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΥ. painter he combined every form of art with fort, that began back in 2007, to promote the
his homeland’s structural materials combin- historical house-atelier of Spiteris couple in
ing traditional building knowledge with his Kykladon street, in Kypseli-Athens, a work by
painting and sculpting skills, as depicted in visionary architect Aristomenis Proveleggios.
the symbols on the façade. Thus, the clock As he emphasizes, "just as Rodakis himself
represents time, the pig symbolizes luck, said, 'this house is built with ideas, not stones.
by Ira Sinigalia the snake represents knowledge, and the ea- If these ideas are removed, the building will
collapse.' The preservation and promotion
of this house comes precisely to support and
ΕMOTIONAL highlight the essence of architectural practice,
which is nothing more than the transforma-
tion of materiality into an emotional and in-
tellectual structure. Alexandros Rodakis did
not build his house with the aim of leaving a
cultural heritage in the conventional sense.
He shaped and breathed life into the house
that housed his own experience, and as his
ORIGINAL SOUL life evolved and changed, the house evolved
The house was built by and expanded with him. In this harmonious
Alexandros Rodakis in 1884. ensemble of buildings that defines the Roda-
Το σπίτι το έχτισε ο Αλέξανδρος
kis House, the ideas and values of Alexandros
RESCUE Ροδάκης το 1884. Rodakis are imprinted - in the most essen-