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περιοχής του Παγγαίου για τη δημιουργία
του Κτήματος Βιβλία Χώρα. Οι ιδιόκτητοι
βιολογικοί αμπελώνες του Κτήματος βρί-
σκονται σε υψόμετρο 380μ. και καταλαμ-
βάνουν σήμερα έκταση 650 περίπου στρεμ-
μάτων, ενώ παράγουν «μεγάλα» κρασιά,
πολυβραβευμένα, με διεθνή αναγνώριση.
Στο Κτήμα οι περισσότερες γεωργικές ερ-
γασίες, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του τρύγου,
γίνονται χειρωνακτικά. Η καλλιέργεια της
αμπέλου γίνεται με τα πρότυπα της βιολο-
γικής γεωργίας, με απόλυτο σεβασμό στο
περιβάλλον, στη χλωρίδα και την πανίδα
της περιοχής, αλλά και στον ίδιο τον άν-
θρωπο και την ιστορία του τόπου.


We stay in Macedonia, where myth has it
that the wine produced from the local Neg-
koska and Xinomavro grape varieties was
the favorite of King Philip, father of Alex-
ander the Great. In the presnt, a love story
between Vangelis Chatzivaritis and his wife,
Olga, who hails from Goumenissa, was the
catalyst for the establishment of the Chatz-
ivaritis Estate thirty years ago.
However, it was Chloe Chatzivariti, with her
studies in oenology and experience working
all over the world, who changed the course
of the winery. Restless and unconventional,
she began producing wines from the family's
organic vineyards, following minimal inter-
vention winemaking practices. In her port-
folio you can find experimental wines with
innovative winemaking techniques, such as
petnats (petillant naturel), as well as carbon-
ic maceration wines.
The charismatic Iliana Malihin -the crea-
tor of the Iliana Malihin winery- organized
and inspired vine growers in the villages of
Rethymno, Crete, to revive extremely rare
grape varieties. Villages such as Melambes and
Fourfouras possess an exceptional collection
of indigenous, pre-phylloxera vineyards on
steep terraces that take one's breath away.
It is said that these villages were the first to
plant the star of Cretan vineyards, the Vidi-
ano grape variety. At the age of just 25, Iliana
Malihin made waves in the Greek wine scene
by crafting "Rizes 2," a white wine blend of
Vidiano from Fourfouras, Rethymno, and
Assyrtiko from Santorini, in collaboration
with Spyros Chryssos of the Akra Chryssos
Winery. In the subsequent years a series of

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