Page 40 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 40 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 40


AIA’s Corporate Responsibility (CR) is structured in such a manner that
reflects the Company’s commitment on sustainability, the many aspects of its
impact and the balanced management approach adopted to ensure inclusion
of all stakeholders’ interests. AIA’s Corporate Responsibility Policy, which
was revised in 2016 as to embed global best practices, acknowledges the
Company’s five CR perspectives, i.e. operational responsibility, environmental
responsibility, corporate citizenship, employer’s responsibility and corporate
responsibility governance.
In 2016, AIA further progressed its Materiality Analysis for identifying and
prioritising material issues, considering the new GRI Sustainability Reporting
Standards and the provisions of the Sustainable Development Goals of
the United Nations. The Materiality Analysis, carried out by a Committee
of AIA Directors and Managers, is an essential corporate practice that
sets sustainability priorities, determines the annual CR action plan,
the content of the 2016 CR Report and moreover constitutes
the focus of the independent CR assurance process.

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