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Page 45 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 45 Annual Report 2016

protection measures in the Mesogaia area. • Support - for the 9th consecutive year – of both
• Significant financial assistance to individuals the Vravrona Archaeological Museum and the
conservation and promotion of the Vravrona
and families in need as well as to several social Wetland, a Natura 2000 site located near
institutions that have been most affected by the the airport that has been transformed into a
on-going economic recession. popular attraction of both archaeological and
• Support of major local cultural and athletic environmental interest.
associations for their annual activities and events.

Environmental Responsibility

During the 2016 “Greek Environmental Awards”, Also, airport employees recycled 10,7 tonnes of non-
AIA’s environmental performance was accredited hazardous and hazardous waste at our dedicated
with two Gold awards in the categories “Water Recycling Centre.
Efficiency” and “Water Consumption Reduction”
while AIA ended up as one of the two Grand Winners AIA remains one of very few airports worldwide that
for its Water Management practices. operates its own Sewage Treatment Plant (STP),
treating 352,316 m3 of sewage. The treated effluent
In 2016, AIA was also recognised for its work in was used to irrigate non-public areas of the airport.
monitoring ecosystems in the area of the airport, the In addition, AIA’s Industrial Wastewater Treatment
protection of biodiversity and wildlife management Plant treated 1,736 m3 of industrial wastewater.
and received an award at the 2016 ECOPOLIS
Environmental Awareness Awards. The 2016 Climate Change Corporate
Action Plan included the following actions
The first annual assessment of AIA’s Environmental
Management System (EMS) was successfully • Replacing 14 vehicles from AIA’s
completed in accordance with the ISO 14001:2004 fleet with more fuel efficient and
standard. environmental-friendly models.

Energy and Climate Change • Achieving a recycling rate of 58% across
AIA has managed to significantly reduce its carbon the Airport site.
footprint by investing strongly in energy efficient
infrastructure and operations over the last decade • Investigating other airports’ initiatives for
and since 2015 it has offset its remaining emissions stakeholder engagement with selected
to become the first carbon neutral airport in Greece, implementation at AIA.
the 25th in Europe and the 28th worldwide. AIA is
consequently now accredited at Level 3+ (Neutrality) • Virtualising a significant portion of AIA’s
of the Airport Carbon Accreditation. desktop computer infrastructure.

AIA’s environmental profile is further bolstered • Reducing the number of physical servers
by the airport 8.05 MWp Photovoltaic (PV) Park, and fax machines.
compensating for emissions of nearly 12,000 tonnes
of CO2 per year with an expected lifecycle of more • Replacing telephone and data networks
than 20 years. In 2016, the PV Park’s production as part of the Next Generation Network
recorded a decrease – though marginal - for the first (NGN) airport-wide upgrade project.
time since 2011 by approximately 1%, greatly owed to
unfavourable weather conditions. • Upgrading of backoffice / CUTE
hardware for airline customers.
Waste & Effluents
AIA’s “Polluter Pays” concept for waste management • Adjusting E-max set point automatically
in 2016 continued to produce remarkable results: in accordance with ambient temperature
a Recycling Rate of 58% for Solid Non-Hazardous and other parameters.
Waste (7,761 tons out of total 13,461 tons) was
achieved. In addition, 334 tonnes of Hazardous • Converting corporate paper forms
Waste and 197 kg of medical/clinical waste were to electronic format using corporate
collected and transferred to licensed facilities. software suites.

• Performing the tender procedure for
the upgrade AIA’s aircraft docking
infrastructure with an Advanced
Visual Docking Guidance
Systems (A-VDGS).

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