Page 46 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 46 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 46
6 Corporate Responsibility

Employer’s Responsibility

AIA aims to be an employer of choice, developing, AIA’s Training Plan 2016
rewarding and engaging human capital while Our business strategy is closely linked with the
maintaining a committed workforce in a safe, development of our people skills and competencies.
productive and fair work environment. Our goal is Thus, the continuing professional and personal training
to offer a healthy working environment for all that of our employees is of vital importance, therefore
promotes diversity, in compliance with work-related, significant resources are allocated for such activities.
legal and quality standards.
In implementing our training plan, we use a variety
We have a long-standing commitment creating a of interactive training methods as to develop
workplace culture that encourages the development employees’ abilities, such as in-class training, on-
and the best use of our people knowledge and skills. the-job training, workshops, job assignments and
For this reason, we have incorporated a multitude of e-learning. In 2016 AIA’s training plan involved a
human resources systems, like workforce planning, total of 18,383 hours of training, while 100% of the
equal opportunity policies, a renewed Employee employees attended at least one training session.
Performance Management System, with emphasis The number of hours being provided to employees
given to improving target setting at individual level, on training is the equivalent of 26.5 training hours
and employee competency measurement. Also, per FTE. AIA’s Leadership Academy was also
our annual Training Plan is designed to equip our enriched with two more Leadership Development
people with the knowledge, skills and competencies Programmes for ΑΙΑ Directors and Managers.
required to succeed in their jobs and further
improvement and growth. Leadership Development Pathways

At the end of 2016 our headcount was 604 people SUPERVISORS:
under open-ended contracts and 80 people Course 1:
on a fixed-term contract. The average age of Emerging Leadership
our employees is 43 years old with a high level Shift Team Supervisory skills (2 days)
educational background. A percentage of 29.3%
of our personnel resides at the local communities, HEADS:
reflecting our close relationship with the Mesogeia
community. Course 1: Course 2:

AIA’s Employee Benefits Evolving Leadership Stepping Up to
As a responsible employer aligned with market
practices, AIA provides to all open-ended and Supervisory skills Management
fixed-term employees several benefits to support
themselves and their dependents in their needs. Key (2 days) (6 months)
benefits provided to AIA employees include:
MANAGERS: Course 2:
• Group Insurance Programme - medical coverage Course 1: Executive Leadership
for employees and their dependent members Stepping Up to (6 months)
(1,955 persons in total including eligible Management
dependents). Furthermore, the programme (6 months)
provides life and disability insurance for all
employees. DIRECTORS: Course 2:
Course 1: Strategic Leadership
• Pension Plan programme - All open-ended Essential Leader (6 months)
employees are offered a pension programme of (6 months)
whom 96.3% have selected to participate with own
contribution. These development programmes were designed
to reinforce Leadership Competencies of our
• Transportation - AIA employees have the choice Management team which were delivered through a
to use one of the available transportation methods combination of e-learning and classroom training,
(staff bus, Attiki Odos tolls (e-pass), Public while upon completion, the successful participants
Transport multi-trip card or fuel subsidy). acquire the “Harvard Business Publishing Certification”.

In 2016 AIA also introduced a food vouchers As an ACI Accredited Training Institute (ATI) since
programme for its employees. 2007, AIA offers up-to-date courses that meet
international standards for quality in workplace

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