Page 51 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 51 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 51 Annual Report 2016

1. Traffic Highlights

During 2016 the airport recorded an all-time high traffic performance of 20.02 million passengers, surpassing
previous year’s record traffic by 1.9 million (+10.7%). Both domestic and international passengers achieved
record levels reaching 7.1 million and 12.9 million, demonstrating strong growth at similar levels of 11.2% and
10.4%, respectively. This growth was driven by both foreign residents’ increase by 8%, as well as Greek residents’
strong rise by 15%. Transfer passengers also grew strong by 12% and represented 24% of the airport’s total traffic,
demonstrating the significant enhancement of Athens’s connectivity.

Looking into the international passenger traffic evolution per region, Western Europe, AIA’s largest international
regional market, grew by 6%, benefiting from the successful performance of the home-based carriers. The
Eastern part of the continent enjoyed a dynamic rise of 33% while the Middle East market, as well as the
continents of America and Africa also enjoyed a substantial rise exceeding 10%. The rest of Asia market suffered
a downturn, mainly attributed to Singapore Airlines’ withdrawal from the Athens market in view of next year’s
launch of direct operations to Athens by their subsidiary, Scoot.

During 2016, three new airlines and ten new routes were added to the airport’s network, while 18 LCCs offered
services to 59 cities worldwide. Overall in 2016 the airport’s number of flights amounted to 189.1 thousand and
demonstrated a rise of 7.4% compared to prior year levels. Both domestic and international flights demonstrated
growth at 6.4% and 8.1%, respectively. Lastly, in 2016 Athens was directly connected with scheduled services
with 125 destinations (92 of which international) in 48 countries, operated by a total of 60 carriers.

2. Business Highlights

AIA’s business highlights for the year 2016 are presented hereunder:

2.1 Airport Operations
The Aviation Business Unit ensured smooth and efficient operations throughout 2016 and as part of
Operational Compliance and Development, all the required preventive and corrective measures were taken,
regarding the emergency planning and preparedness for developing and maintaining a safe and resilient
operating environment. Indeed, the annual aviation safety Key Performance Indicator of serious incidents
per 100,000 aircraft movements was further improved. Furthermore, the winter operations preparedness
plan for 2016-17 was successfully accomplished and the upgrading plan of the airside operational
capabilities was completed in July with the replacement of the airside sweeping vehicles fleet.

Following the 2016 summer period, the flights that operated through the Satellite Terminal Building (STB)
moved their operations to the Main Terminal Building (MTB), in order to allow for the execution of technical,
operational and commercial enhancement works in the STB, before accommodation of a bigger volume of
traffic for the summer 2017.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in October with major airport stakeholders regarding the
concept of Airport Collaborative Decision Making (A-CDM), whereas HCAA/Air Traffic Control has committed
to actively participate. A-CDM aims at improving the overall efficiency of airport operations by optimising the
use of resources, improving the predictability of events while increasing both productivity and cost-efficiency.

In 2016, eight emergency exercises were organised including the Full Scale Emergency Exercise “Aircraft
Accident on Airport”. In addition, a new concept regarding Regional Airports Fire Fighters’ training was
developed with the aim to enhance Aerodrome Fire Fighters’ skills, knowledge and understanding for
competently carry out all their operational tasks.

AIA, aiming at enhancing the airport’s preparedness for responding effectively to adverse operational
incidents, donated three Ambulances to the National Centre for Emergency Care (ΕΚΑΒ).

The development of the New Intra Schengen centralized screening area was finalized and successfully put
into operation in December 2016 ahead of the holiday traffic peak, in accordance with our schedule. The
new concept enhances both the level of security services as well as the passenger experience. In the area
of security, updated versions of both the Airport Security Program and the Terminal Evacuation Procedure
due to Security Threat were issued by AIA. Several inspections by the HCAA of the operations of Passenger
& Hand Baggage Screening, Hold Baggage Screening and Employee Screening were conducted as well as
a further inspection by the EU auditing body of the Cargo and Air Mail facilities. All inspections testified the
airport’s compliance with applicable International Security standards.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2016 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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