Page 52 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 52 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 52
Financial Statements

In 2016, two out of the three freight and mail handlers, namely Skyserv Handling Services and Swissport
Greece Cargo merged, leaving the third cargo handling right and consequently the associated cargo
terminal (building 15a) idle. As the launched tender for the award of this idle right did not lead to any
expressions of interest, alternative cargo and logistics-relevant uses will be sought to render the cargo
terminal operational anew.

Notwithstanding, AIA’s cargo business grew for a third consecutive year, the annual throughput reaching
88,619 tonnes, posting an overall annual increase of 10% over the previous year.

In December, to further support its cargo business development potential, AIA organised a cargo
workshop that was attended by 30 Greek export companies interested in exploring the advantages of air
transportation and the airfreight possibilities through Athens International Airport.

For the fourth time in a row AIA and all members of the Athens Airport aviation fuel supply chain were
awarded by the Joint Inspection Group (JIG), while OFC Athens Airport remains the only Airport Fuel Facility
worldwide which has been awarded with nine (9) consecutive JIG Certificates of Excellence (2008-2016).

Finally, the total number of PRM passengers provided with assistance services amounted to 145,564 in 2016,
resulting in a 14.4%-compared to 2015.

2.2 Airport Marketing & Pricing
During 2016 AIA continued its dynamic marketing strategy and incentives policy. AIA’s aeronautical
marketing strategy encompasses comprehensive developmental and targeted programmes for airlines
including incentives and marketing support packages and constitutes a cornerstone of AIA’s aeronautical
strategy for healthy financial growth.

In 2016, AIA maintained all charges unchanged without any increase for the eighth consecutive year. This
freezing of charges was complemented by the continuous development and fine-tuning of our incentives’
scheme and comprised growth incentives and a number of targeted incentives for airlines.

In particular, taking into consideration the market developments and the double-digit growth, AIA extended
three significant targeted incentives during the winter ’15-’16 season and two during the summer ’16 season,
fine-tuning, at the same time, the Incentives’ terms of applicability and their levels, which were lowered to
respond to the market developments. The Sustainability Incentive aiming at sustaining and stimulating the
airline offer by encouraging airlines to at least maintain the same level of operated flights vs. the previous
corresponding period was available during the winter ’15-’16 season only. The Transfer Incentive focusing on
the development of transfer traffic and the Load Factor Incentive, targeted to encourage airlines to increase
the number of passengers per flight, were available throughout the year. The developmental schemes were
enriched - as from the last year already - with the Niche Routes Incentive, aiming at attracting new services
from niche markets that are currently not operated from Athens. Lastly, the special Low Fares Incentive
was available during winter offering a return amount per each low fare ticket issued, albeit reduced by 25%
approximately versus the previous corresponding season.

In total, thirteen different incentives, both for development and for sustainability, were in effect during
2016. These incentives are applied in a fully transparent and non-discriminatory manner. The vast majority
of the operating carriers made use of one or more targeted incentives. Furthermore, more than 30 of AIA’s
airline partners enjoyed benefit deriving from traditional developmental incentives & marketing support to
a significant degree. In this year’s “Routes Europe” at Krakow, Poland & “Routes World” at Chengdu, China,
the largest airline and airport networking route development forums in Europe and globally respectively,
AIA was voted by the airlines and was awarded as the winner in the 4-20 million passengers’ category in
the 2016 Routes Marketing Awards, in both events. At the highly significant Routes forums, airlines evaluate
the airports’ marketing plans and programmes rewarding the ones that most efficiently address airlines’
efforts to develop new routes or sustain existing ones. It is noteworthy that in the context of the prestigious
Routes events, Athens International Airport is the most awarded airport with 16 distinctions in 12 years.

Following a relevant request of the Board of Directors, a study was commissioned to an expert international
firm on the assessment of the incentives policy. More particularly the study assessed among other, the impact
of incentives on traffic at AIA and their financial impact and their overall strategic importance. The study

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2016 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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