Page 57 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 57 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 57 Annual Report 2016

In 2016 AIA further progressed its Materiality Analysis for identifying and prioritising material issues
(i.e. those of significant impact for the Company and its stakeholders) taking into account the new GRI
Sustainability Reporting Standards and the provisions of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United
Nations. This is an essential corporate practice that sets sustainability priorities, structures the related
action plan, determines the content of the 2016 CR Report and constitutes the focus of the independent CR
assurance process.

3.1 Operational Responsibility
Operational responsibility is the cornerstone of AIA’s commitments. The Company ensures safe, secure,
efficient and value-adding services for the benefit of a well-coordinated airport community and for
delivering an exceptional experience to the travelling public.

In 2016, the Company progressed preparations for complying with the new EASA Aerodrome Rules and
for advancing aviation safety practices. Ensuring the health & safety of the travelling public, all public and
technical areas are regularly inspected in order to ensure that airport facilities personnel comply with legal
provisions and AIA’s corporate rules and procedures. In 2016 253 audits were carried out to various airport
community stakeholders.

Operational readiness and availability performance of critical systems was maintained at exceptional levels.
At the same time, satisfaction rating of our passengers was slightly improved and maintained at high levels
(4.26 on a 5-point scale), a very positive performance considering the significant traffic increase and the
extensive works in the terminal. Passengers satisfaction is at the focus of every AIA employee, as more than
800 “virtual passenger” walkthroughs were executed in 2016 as part of the innovative i-mind programme,
corresponding to over 50,000 inspections.

3.2 Environmental Responsibility
In 2016 AIA’s commitment for protecting the natural environmental and contributing to the global effort
against climate change was verified anew. By implementing best practices to operate its facilities and
equipment more efficiently and also investing heavily in energy-saving technology, AIA managed to reduce
its carbon footprint by 41% between 2005 and 2016. AIA has offset its remaining emissions to become the
first carbon neutral airport in Greece, the 25th in Europe and the 28th airport in the world, leading to an
Airport Carbon Accreditation at Level 3+ (Neutrality).

AIA’s environmental profile is further bolstered by the 8.05 MWp Photovoltaic (PV) Park compensating for
emissions of nearly 12,000 tonnes of CO2 per year with an expected lifecycle of more than 20 years.

AIA’s “Polluter Pays” concept to waste management continued in 2016 to produce remarkable results: a
Recycling Rate of 58% for Solid Non-Hazardous Waste (8.086,845 tons out of total 13.738,853 tons) was
recycled. In addition, 334 tonnes of Hazardous Waste and 197 kg of medical/clinical waste were collected
and transferred to licensed facilities. Also, airport employees recycled 8.9 tonnes of non-hazardous and
hazardous waste at our dedicated Recycling Centre.

AIA’s environmental performance was recognised at the 2016 Greek Environmental Awards with two Gold
awards in the categories of “Water Efficiency” and “Water Consumption Reduction”. Furthermore, AIA
received an important distinction in the context of the 2016 “ECOPOLIS Environmental Awareness Awards”
for its work in monitoring ecosystems in the area of the airport, the protection of biodiversity and wildlife

3.3 Employer’s Responsibility
The people of AIA is the Company’s most valuable asset. At the end of 2016, our headcount was 604
people under open-ended contracts and 80 people were on a fixed-term contract. The average age of our
employees is 43 years old with a high level educational background. 29.3% of our personnel reside at the
local communities, reflecting our close relationship with the Mesogeia community.

Our business strategy is closely linked with the development of our people skills and capabilities. Thus, the
continuing professional and personal training of our employees are of vital importance, and therefore we
allocate significant resources towards these activities.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2016 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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