Page 62 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 62 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 62
Financial Statements

Income statement for the year ended 31 December 2016

Operating revenues Note 2016 2015
Other revenues
Total operating revenues 5.1 347,499,533 326,701,628
5.1 57,054,445 44,604,817
404,553,978 371,306,444

Operating expenses 41,759,712 40,621,616
Personnel expenses 49,503,143 50,702,161
Outsourcing expenses 4,658,623
Public relations & marketing expenses 8,554,580 4,160,166
Utility expenses 8,011,871
Insurance premiums 1,829,272 2,132,964
Net provisions and impairment losses 7,922,678 (1,632,571)
Grant of rights fee - variable fee component 7,599,458
Other operating expenses 12,926,779 0
Total operating expenses 5.2 134,754,245 6,585,663

EBITDA 269,799,733 260,724,575

Depreciation & amortisation charges 5.3 74,209,512 74,401,800

Operating profit 195,590,221 186,322,775

Financial income 5.4 (430,680) (663,806)
Financial costs 5.4 34,632,429 39,250,997
Net financial expenses 5.4 34,201,749
Subsidies received for borrowing costs 5.4 (27,672,394) 38,587,191

Profit before tax 189,060,866 179,843,849
Income tax expense 5.6 (56,669,454) (59,184,104)
Profit after tax 120,659,745

Basic earnings per share 5.7 4.41 4.02

The notes on pages 20 to 57 are an integral part of these financial statements.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2016 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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