Page 35 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 35 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 35 Annual Report 2016

Consumer Business Unit

Consumers’ activities include a wide spectrum of compensating for the loss of approximately 400m²
high quality services ranging from landside and of commercial space in the All Users area reserved
terminal services to shopping, dining and parking, for the construction of the centralised screening
aiming at delivering a unique airport experience to facility.
both passengers and visitors while at the same time
generating revenues for AIA. The first milestone of the ISP project was
successfully achieved in 2016 including development
In the frame of renovating and redesigning key areas of the new security centralisation, creation of a large
of the Airport Shopping Centre towards enhancing Perfumes and Cosmetics Unit, development of two
passenger satisfaction and better accommodating new retail units at the All Users area, relocation and
traffic increase, a new large-scale project was put full refurbishment of several All-Users area retail
in development within the last four months of 2016 units and the aesthetic upgrade of the seating area
affecting the entirety of the Intra-Schengen area of a catering unit within the central food court.
and a large part of the Departures All Users area in
terms of both aesthetics and functionality (the ISP The completion of the ISP project will mark the
project). The project is estimated to be completed thorough remodelling of the greatest part of the
by May 2017. Despite the considerable impact of Departures Level commercial area introducing new
this project, the Airport Shopping Centre generated quality brands and presenting an enriched product
€48.4 million in 2016 performing better than last portfolio, fully aligned with the latest market trends,
year (i.e. by 1.0%). thus providing an upgraded shopping experience to
all airport users.
Following the successful upgrade of the Extra-
Schengen commercial area in mid-2015 which made Within the frame of redesigning the Intra-Schengen
a beneficial impact on passenger experience, retail area, AIA prepared, launched and successfully
sales and the overall image of the airport, similar completed a major Commercial Space tender for
design disciplines and approach were engaged in the award of 21 tenders involving the development
the upgrade project at the Intra-Schengen area. and operation of 29 commercial units of a total of
Besides one of the key goals of the project, i.e. approximately 2,500 m2 of commercial space, which
passenger and hand baggage security centralisation, given the difficult environment of the retail sector in
the project aims at the creation of a Duty-Free walk- Greece, attracted satisfactory offers both financially
through concept and the complete redevelopment and in terms of their commercial concepts. The
of the Intra-Schengen Commercial area so it is fully tendered units referred to new commercial space
integrated with the passenger gate lounges. This created within the context of ISP, as well as expiring
large-scale refurbishment will lead to a remarkable standing contracts.
net commercial space increase of 1,500m²

Consumers Revenues 2016 vs 2015

2016 2015 € MILLION

COMMERCIAL 48.4 1.0%
13.4 4.7%

2.9 -1.2%

0 10 20 30 40 50

   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40