Page 31 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 31 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 31 Annual Report 2016

AVA per Business Unit

The main metric that has been selected for measuring The financial performance of each Business Unit, in
financial value creation by the four Business Units terms of AVA, is presented below. In 2016, AVA was
is AVA (Added Value on Assets). AVA measures the significantly increased compared to 2015 (€111.9
value created from operating revenues and expenses, million vs. €99.7 million). The primary driver of the
also taking assets and cost of capital into account, AVA improvement is the increase of revenues due
since airports are largely capital intensive business to the higher traffic in 2016, as well as the increased
entities. We have allocated all revenues, costs and asset efficiency, partly offset by higher costs for the
assets to the four Business Units and are therefore Grant of Rights Fee, which as per the ADA, since
able to measure financial value creation of their mid-June 2016 is calculated as a variable fee on the
individual business activities, also taking indirect Airport Company’s profits.
expenses and asset-related costs into consideration.

Aviation Business Unit

The Aviation Business Unit ensured smooth and A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was
efficient operations throughout 2016 and as part signed in October with major airport stakeholders
of Operational Compliance and Development all regarding the concept of Airport Collaborative
the required preventive and corrective measures Decision Making (A-CDM), whereas HCAA/
were taken regarding the emergency planning and Air Traffic Control has committed to actively
preparedness for developing and maintaining a participate. A-CDM aims at improving the overall
safe and resilient operating environment. Indeed, efficiency of airport operations by optimising the
the annual aviation safety Key Performance use of resources, improving the predictability of
Indicator of serious incidents per 100,000 aircraft events while increasing both productivity and cost-
movements was further improved. Furthermore, the efficiency.
winter operations preparedness plan for 2016-17
was successfully accomplished and the upgrading In 2016 eight emergency exercises were organised
plan of the airside operational capabilities was including the Full-Scale Emergency Exercise
completed in July with the replacement of the “Aircraft Accident on Airport”. In addition, a new
airside sweeping vehicles fleet. concept regarding Regional Airports Fire Fighters’
training was developed with the aim to enhance
Following the 2016 summer period, the flights that Aerodrome Fire Fighters’ skills, knowledge and
operated through the Satellite Terminal Building understanding for them to competently carry out
(STB) moved their operations to the MTB in order all their operational tasks.
to allow for the execution of technical, operational
and commercial enhancement works in the STB AIA, aiming at enhancing the airport’s preparedness
before accommodation of a bigger volume of traffic for responding effectively to adverse operational
for the summer 2017. incidents, donated three Ambulances to the

Revenues from Aeronautical Charges 2016

21% 7% 46% % MARKET SHARE


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