Page 36 - Annual_Report_2016






Page 36 - Annual_Report_2016
P. 36
5 Our Business Units

Consumers Revenues 2016 % REVENUE SHARE

0 20 40

60 80

Further to the above, aiming to compensate drop-off means and other rival parking options.
passengers for the inconvenience caused by the
extensive construction works and at the same time The E-parking platform has been strategically placed
minimise any potential revenue loss, AIA launched in the centre of parking communication in order to
targeted marketing and sales activities including address ongoing business challenges, supporting
amongst others a special discount programme for sales and further enhancing the offered service
Perfumes & Cosmetics, and the Fashion Bazaar, against competing means of airport access. It is well
achieving striking sales performance. worth mentioning that in 2016 e-tickets increased by
an astounding 53%.
Airport’s car parking facilities generated €13.4 million
revenues during 2016 and recorded a 4.7% increase With the main aim to address current parking
versus previous year, lagging however behind traffic. competition in the vicinity of the airport, the
Considering the parking products portfolio, the long- “always on” marketing campaign provided strong
term share in revenues reached 64%, while short- communication of the airport parking offers through
term and executive valet parking contributed by 27% radio live reads and produced spots as well as
and 9% respectively. monthly newsletters and helped to sell out parking
products four times during 2016.
The economic landscape of the country still
negatively affects the parking business, whereas In 2016 a sizeable number of over 2.3 million airport
the expansion of the ultra-low cost carriers users interacted with Terminal Services staff for
whose clientele is more inclined towards low-cost airport information and personal assistance. Almost
transport means, has dramatically altered the mix 500,000 calls were handled by the Airport Call
of the Greek O&D passengers who are the parking’s Centre with a nearly 93% of passengers being
primary users, in favour of public transport, car served within 20 seconds, whereby the “Airport-

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