Athens International Airport - Press Releases
07 June 2010
Air Canada launches inaugural flight to Athens, Greece. Montreal and Toronto non - stop seasonal service as of June 2010
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26 May 2010
Myrtis: Face to face with the past After 2,500 years, Myrtis, the young Athenian girl is "reborn" at Athens International Airport (01/06 - 31/12/2010)
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04 May 2010
Athens International Airport: Positive development of passenger traffic (+10.4%) and flights (+5.2%) in the period January – March
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28 April 2010
Travelling with Sea Turtles in the Mediterranean An underwater journey at Athens International Airport in cooperation with MEDASSET (3/5 - 29/8/2010)
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02 March 2010
Athens International Airport freezes all charges for 2010 in recognition of the industry downturn and offers new incentives package for airlines
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