Page 48 - Annual Report 2015 EN






Page 48 - Annual Report 2015 EN
P. 48
Financial Statements

security system was successfully tested and audited during several inspections by the relevant
HCAA’s security inspecting division.

2.2 Airport Marketing & Pricing
During 2015 AIA continued its dynamic marketing strategy and incentives policy. AIA’s aeronautical
marketing strategy encompasses comprehensive developmental and targeted programmes for
airlines including incentives and marketing support packages and constitutes a cornerstone of AIA’s
aeronautical strategy for healthy financial growth.

AIA maintained all charges unchanged without any increase for the seventh consecutive year.
This freezing of charges was complemented by the continuous development and fine-tuning of
our incentives scheme and comprised growth incentives and a number of targeted incentives for
airlines. In particular, AIA, taking into consideration the market developments and the double-digit
growth, extended three significant targeted incentives throughout 2015, fine-tuning, at the same
time, the Incentives’ terms of applicability and their levels, which were lowered during the current
Winter season by 25.0% approximately i.e. the Sustainability Incentive aiming at sustaining and
stimulating the airline offer by encouraging airlines to at least maintain the same level of operated
flights vs. the previous corresponding period; the Transfer Incentive focusing on the development of
transfer traffic; and the Load Factor Incentive, targeted to encourage airlines to increase the amount
of passengers per flight. The developmental scheme was also enriched by the recently established
Niche Routes Incentive aiming at attracting new services with niche markets that are currently not
operated from Athens. Lastly - and further to the special Low Fares Incentive during winter -, given
the extraordinary circumstances the country was experiencing with the implementation of capital
controls during the summer season and in order to mitigate at the extent possible the negative effects
on Greek citizens and the domestic aviation market, AIA offered the domestic operators the amount
of 25€ per departing passenger for all tickets issued with a nominal value of 10€ or less, for a limited
period of two weeks’ time.

In total, fourteen different incentives both for development and sustainability were in effect during
2015. More than 80.0% of the operating carriers made use of one or more targeted incentives.
Furthermore, more than 40 of our airline partners enjoyed benefits from AIA’s traditional
developmental incentives & marketing support to a significant degree. In this year’s “Routes Europe”,
the largest airline and airport networking route development forum in Europe which was held in
Aberdeen, Scotland, AIA was voted by the airlines and was awarded as the winner in the ‘4-20
m. passengers’ category in the 2015 Routes Marketing Awards. At the highly significant Routes
forum, airlines evaluate the airports’ marketing plans and programmes rewarding the ones that most
efficiently address airlines’ efforts to develop new routes or sustain existing ones. It is noteworthy
that in the context of the prestigious ROUTES events, Athens International Airport is the most
awarded airport with 15 distinctions in 11 years.

AIA’s customised approach towards airlines was also the main element in the 2015 campaign under
the slogan “Tailor made aviation marketing”, reflecting AIA’s willingness and efforts to proactively
look into the actual needs of each of its airline partners and consequently design and implement its
marketing strategy accordingly.

Airlines’ contribution to the airport’s performance in 2015 was acknowledged by AIA for the 12th
consecutive year by rewarding them for the most successful passenger traffic development during
2015. The awards ceremony, the major airline networking event for Greece which is hosted by AIA,
took place in March 2016 during AIA’s 16th Airline Marketing Workshop.

During the last five years, not only has AIA applied active marketing efforts to its Airline & Business
partners and Consumers but has also extended its efforts to actively support Athens as a Destination.
Actions to reinforce Athens’ attractiveness as a tourism destination have significantly contributed
to the recovery of the city’s image and the increase in foreign tourists’ arrivals to our city. In
particular, AIA has implemented a series of destination marketing targeted actions and initiatives
by forging strong relations and strategic co-operations and synergies with tourism organisations and
associations (Association of Tourism Enterprises, Greek National Tourism Organisation, Ministry of
Tourism, Marketing Greece, etc.).

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2015 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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