Page 47 - Annual Report 2015 EN






Page 47 - Annual Report 2015 EN
P. 47
Annual Report 2015

1. Traf c Highlights

With 18.09 million passengers in 2015 the airport recorded an all-time high passenger traffic
performance, surpassing previous year traffic by 2.9 million (+19.0%) and by 1.55 million (+9.4%) the
previous best, which was the pre-crisis year 2007. Both domestic and international passengers achieved
record levels and reached 6.4 million and 11.7 million demonstrating strong growth levels of 22.1%
and 17.4%, respectively. This growth was driven by both the foreign visitors’ dynamic growth of 26.0%,
as well as the Greek travellers’ robust rise of 11.0%. Moreover, in 2015 a significant +38.0% rise was
recorded by transfer passengers, with the international to international transfer traffic marking an
impressive +60.0% increase, demonstrating the considerable enhancement of Athens’s connectivity.

In regard to international passenger traffic development, it is important to note that all regions
enjoyed strong demand and capacity increase. Europe achieved a significant growth, with Western
Europe rising by 15.0% and Eastern Europe by 26.0%, while the Middle East also grew at a high
+17.0%. The continents of America and Africa were supported by enhanced and expanded services
and witnessed a rapid growth of +43.0% and +42.0% respectively, while the rest of Asia also saw a
robust traffic development of +31.0%.

During year 2015, nine new airlines and ten new routes were added to AIA’s network, with an
equally important increase (+29.0%) of destinations being served by LCCs. Overall, for 2015 the
airport’s number of flights amounted to 176.2 thousands and demonstrated a rise of 14.0% compared
to prior year levels. Both domestic and international flights grew at the level of 11.2% and 16.2%,
respectively. Lastly, in 2015, Athens was directly connected with scheduled services with 118
destinations (85 international) in 46 countries, operated by a total of 64 carriers.

2. Business Highlights

AIA’s business highlights for the year 2015 are presented hereunder:

2.1 Airport Operations
Smooth and efficient operations were ensured by Aviation Business Unit throughout the year, offering
high-quality services and a high level of safety to aircraft operators, ground-handlers, and passengers.

In view of the imminent initiation of the conversion process of our aerodrome license according the
new European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Aerodrome Rules, we implemented the necessary
organisational changes in order to coordinate the smooth transition to the new regulatory environment.

Aiming to maintain a high degree of readiness and responsiveness to emergency situations, the
Crisis Planning function organised seven emergency exercises during 2015, including the Partial
Scale Emergency Exercise “Aircraft Accident on Airport” that took place in November with the
participation of the involved emergency response stakeholders.

Within our seasonal preparations for dealing with adverse weather conditions, the annual full-scale
winter operations exercise and the annual de/anti-icing exercise were carried out in December 2015
demonstrating the operational readiness of all stakeholders to deal with winter operations.

In the domain of ground handling and in accordance with the European and national legislation, AIA
tendered and awarded the restricted third-party rights for Baggage & Ramp, In-Flight Catering Ramp
transportation, Freight & Mail and Fuel Into-plane services for the next 7 years.

Furthermore, Certificates of Excellence were awarded for the third consecutive year by the Joint
Inspection Group (JIG) to all members of the Athens Airport aviation fuel supply chain. This
excellence recognition is considered a unique achievement for airport fuel chain suppliers worldwide.

Lastly, AIA’s Security Services confronted the challenge of implementing new measures in the
area of passenger screening. More specifically, the use of Explosive Trace Detectors (ETD) in the
screening of passengers commenced on September 1st, 2015 and involved taking ETD sampling on
10.0% of all departing passengers and their personal belongings on a continuous random basis. The
implementation of this new security procedure was planned and prepared in detail, thus resulting
in full compliance with legislative requirements, as well as in having the minimum possible impact
on normal airport operations, passenger flows or on unnecessary delays. Additionally, the Airport’s

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2015 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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