Page 51 - Annual Report 2015 EN






Page 51 - Annual Report 2015 EN
P. 51
Annual Report 2015

category and received the Gold Award in the “Facility Management Activities -Communal Charges”

2.5 Information Technology & Telecommunications
In 2015 the focus of our IT&T was on efficiency, service improvement, operations and customer

Within this context, AIA’s IT&T set a strategy to evolve the experience our Airport delivers through
more digitalised services for passengers, airlines and users of the terminal and airport infrastructure,
transform passenger interactions with mobile solutions and develop personalised experience for

Passenger service & experience:
• With self-processing of passengers being the new emerging trend, IT&T initiated the bag-tag

printing functionality at the Common Use Self-service (CUSS) kiosks, which had started as a trial
service in cooperation with Aegean Airlines, and expanded today to include Olympic Airlines, SAS
and Lufthansa. The year closed with the launch of mobile scanning of the boarding passes and bag-
tags at the check-in area.

• Considering the emerging demand of Wi-Fi service within the Main Terminal Building, IT&T
decided to proceed with the upgrade of the free wireless internet access service called “ATH
Free”, which is governed by simplicity and user friendliness. The “ATH Free” service is launched
through a responsive design web layout, supporting automatic and dynamic adaptation to every
screen resolution and dimension, at the same time enabling compatibility with all passenger devices
(smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.).

Digital strategy:
Loyal to AIA’s strategy to embrace digital channels, IT&T implements innovative digital services based
on social media. IT&T uses social media to its fullest potential by providing personalised information
to users and customers and enhancing- awareness. As a result, AIA claims an international first for
introducing flight airport information through Facebook Messenger, a service branded as “ATH
Messenger”. This service provides instant and accurate information to the public on flight status,
Airport Shops, Food & Beverage, as well as available offers through mobile, tablet or laptop. AIA was
honoured with the Bronze prize in Digital Strategy in the Lighthouse e-volution awards for “ATH

Airport Terminal & Operations Ef ciency:
Driving enhanced terminal efficiency together with a more seamless passenger journey, the major
upgrades undertaken by IT&T were the following:

• the Common Use Terminal Equipment (CUTE) upgrade, including the replacement of the
workstations and networking equipment in all check-in counters and gates with new Common Use
Passenger Processing Systems (CUPPS) compliant equipment.

• new information display monitors, through the replacement of Flight Information Display, Baggage
Handling Dynamic Signage and Digital Signage systems devices and migration to new software
platform (UFIS and UFIDS).

• the upgrade of the BHS Data network project, replacing the BHS system’s dedicated physical
network and delivering improved performance in terms of bandwidth capacity, reduced recovery
time in case of central equipment failure and increased redundancy mechanisms to further safeguard
service availability.

The “Digital Gate” airport contest was launched in April 2015 in cooperation with the Athens
University of Economics and Business and the scientific support of the Laboratory of Electronic
Commerce and Business, aiming at exploring and promoting digital innovation and young
entrepreneurship in the air-transport and tourism sector. AIA awarded prizes for the best digital ideas
with potential for implementation at the airport. Participation in the competition was really impressive
with 162 entries and 83 proposals; six entrants will have the chance to implement their proposal in
Athens airport environment while another one will receive specialised support from AUEB.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2015 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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