Page 53 - Annual Report 2015 EN






Page 53 - Annual Report 2015 EN
P. 53
Annual Report 2015

3.3 Corporate Citizenship
As part of the Art & Culture programme, more than 250,000 people visited the airport permanent
exhibitions (Archaeological Findings, Acropolis Museum and the exhibition for E. Venizelos).

In 2015 AIA launched its collaboration with the Art-Athina International Exhibition of Contemporary
Art by hosting on airport premises six special exhibitions with themes relating to humanity and the ever
changing natural and urban environment.

Through the “Fly me to the Moon” programme, AIA offered passengers a unique entertainment
experience at the Airport. In 2015, we hosted live performances of the Athens State Orchestra, the
Greek National Opera and numerous contemporary artists.

In 2015 the Airport Children Play Area welcomed 5,866 children, while 2,320 school students were
offered visitor tours.

Our 2015 Local Communities Action Plan focused primarily on educational and social issues, in light
of the on-going economic recession, thus underlining AIA’s role as a social partner. Regular meetings
with local stakeholders helped maintain a positive climate of mutual understanding. Educational
material, computers and other equipment were donated to schools in the neighbouring Municipalities
and financial rewards were presented to top students from local high schools admitted to Greek
Universities. Also AIA matched a donation made by AviAlliance in support of the social grocery store
and the medical services of the Spata-Artemis Municipality.

In order to promote awareness on water management issues AIA, in cooperation with the NGO
Mediterranean SOS, organised an environmental educational programme at 10 local elementary
schools that was attended by 1,282 students.

Lastly, AIA continued to support the conservation and promotion of the Vravrona Wetland, a Natura
2000 site located near the Airport which was transformed into a popular attraction combining
archaeological and environmental interest.

3.4 Environmental Responsibility
In 2015 AIA’s strong environmental performance was honoured with a number of important
distinctions and awards: AIA received the “Excellent Performance in Sustainability” Award at the 2015
Transport & Logistics Awards; the Gold Award in the “Facility Management Activities-Impact on
Sustainability” category for environmental protection & sustainable development at the 2015 Facilities
Management Awards; the Silver Award at the 2015 Energy Mastering Awards in light of AIA’s actions
to reduce its CO2 emissions; and the Gold Award at the 2015 Waste & Recycling Awards for AIA’s
waste management & recycling practices.

Further to a successful external audit in 2015, AIA renewed its certification for its Environmental
Management & Services in accordance with the ISO 14001:2004 standard.

AIA’s Airport Carbon Accreditation was renewed at Level 3 (Optimisation) further to the expansion of
its carbon footprint to include indirect emission sources and its work to engage other members of the
airport community in the fight against climate change. In fact, AIA has managed to reduce its carbon
footprint by 42.0% between 2005 and 2015 following the implementation of a series of measures to
reduce consumption of electricity, natural gas and fuel.

By implementing a waste management concept based on the “Polluter Pays” principle which
incorporates financial incentives to promote recycling across the airport site, AIA has managed to
maintain a recycling rate of 52.0%.

Further to its first full year of operation, the Power Quality Optimisation System managed to reduce
electricity consumption at the MTB by 2,030 MWhs by improving electricity system efficiency and grid
stability. In addition, the 4 new Water Cooled Chillers, installed in MTB in 2014, effected an annual
reduction in the electricity consumption by 4,660 MWhs. The overall reduction in energy consumption
improved the respective CO2 emission footprint by nearly 4,583 tonnes.

AIA’s environmental profile is bolstered by the 8.05 MWp Photovoltaic Park which helps avoid nearly
12,000 tonnes of CO2 annually.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2015 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated)

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