Page 50 - Annual Report 2013






Page 50 - Annual Report 2013
P. 50
Financial Statements

Quality (ASQ) survey conducted under ACI) also showed an improved performance. The key contribut-
ing factors for this improvement of the overall satisfaction were the ambience improvements in the Main
Terminal Building and the improvements in e-facilities.
Within the scope of the provision of on ground assistance services to persons with disability and/or reduced
mobility (PRM), AIA has served 102.891 people during 2013 (96.191 in 2012). As per the results of the respec-
tive survey, PRM passengers rated their overall satisfaction very high (4,92 for 2013 vs. 4,85 for 2012).
Finally, AIA hosted the 2nd session of the “Train the Trainer” program for PRM issues. The training was
provided by a certified company by European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).
Corporate Citizenship
AIA engages the local communities, in a continuous dialogue on issues of common concern. Taking an
active role as a social partner, AIA implemented a number of different initiatives in the context of its 2013
Local Communities Action Plan, which focused primarily on the sensitive areas of education and so-
ciety in light of the on-going economic crisis. The most important initiatives completed in 2013 include
the reward programme for local schools engaged in recycling, scholarships and financial rewards for
the top students as well as a variety of humanitarian, public health, athletic, cultural and environmental
initiatives such as the programme to protect and promote the neighbouring Vravrona Wetland.
Athens Airport bears the role of a cultural hub for travellers and visitors by participating in the cultural
life of Athens. Approximately 250.000 visitors per year visit the airport permanent exhibitions (Archae-
ological Findings, Acropolis Museum and the new exhibition for Eleftherios Venizelos). During 2013, AIA
organised various exhibitions to promote the Greek culture to the visitors travelling to Athens. Also, in
cooperation with environmental organizations, AIA hosted art exhibitions to promote nature aware-
ness. On the humanitarian front, within our annual CR programme, we remained committed to support
numerous organisations for children and social groups in need. Last year, a significant contribution
towards the Association of Friends of Children with Cancer “ELPIDA” was made by AIA. Also, during
2013, AIA provided support to major Greek cultural entities.
As part of our “Airport & Children” programme in 2013, AIA welcomed 5.542 young passengers and
their families in the MTB children’s play area, staffed by the Association “The Smile of the Child”. In
parallel, we provided visitor services to more than 2.000 young visitors offering an insight to the airport
facilities and operations.

Environmental Responsibility
In 2013 AIA received the “Eco-Innovation Award” from ACI Europe in recognition of the importance AIA
gives to protecting the environment and adopting innovative initiatives, where despite economic pres-
sures, AIA continues to seek and deliver environmental management systems that go well beyond regu-
latory requirements. In addition, AIA’s Airport Carbon Accreditation was recently (early 2014) upgraded to
Level 3 (Optimisation) following the expansion of its carbon footprint to include indirect emission sources
and its work to engage other members of the airport community in the fight against climate change.
Since 2005, AIA has managed to reduce its electricity consumption by 20% (13,4 MWh) through a
number of energy-saving initiatives, which in combination with additional measures to reduce emis-
sions from other sources have resulted in approximately a 25% reduction AIA’s carbon footprint (17.000
tonnes of CO2) over the same period.

As an additional energy-saving measure, aiming at improving AIA’s carbon footprint, the Power Quality
Optimization System at the MTB was put in operation in September 2013.

AIA maintained its ISO 14001 certification of its Environmental Management System following a suc-
cessful audit by an independent body.

AIA’s environmental profile is further bolstered by the 8,05 MWp Photovoltaic Park which operates
since 2011. The installation produces green electricity and avoids the emission of nearly 12.000 tonnes
of CO2 per year with an expected lifecycle of more than 20 years.

9 of 58 Financial Statements as at 31 December 2013 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated).
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