Page 47 - Annual Report 2013






Page 47 - Annual Report 2013
P. 47
Annual Report 2013

In 2013, AIA enhanced its digital footprint by launching on October 30th the new corporate website of AIA
and introducing its Facebook and twitter accounts. AIA’s presence @ the social media aims to increase
digital touch points and reinforce AIA’s presence within the digital ecosystem. The mission of AIA’s social
media is to enhance the friendly and human image of the airport through an honest and engaging dialogue
with the public, while the airport’s activity in the social media complements its corporate website operation.

Additionally, the newly developed website ( boosts the traveller/visitor perspective with a highly
attractive design that remains exceptionally user friendly and possesses advanced tools and applications
of high technology as well as a responsive web design. The site also includes valid business information
addressing respective needs of various interested parties. Since its launch, it has been awarded twice.
Consumers’ activities include a wide spectrum of high quality services ranging from shopping & dining
to parking, landside and terminal services aiming at delivering a unique airport experience to both pas-
sengers and visitors and at the same time to generate revenues for AIA. The adverse market conditions
witnessed in 2013 for a fifth consecutive year, coupled with a passengers mix where Greek passengers’
share with reduced discretionary income remained high at 46%, affected Retail and Food & Beverage
sales, as well as car parking occupancy rates.

The Airport Shopping Centre activities were once again firmly focused on enhancing passenger
satisfaction and offering “value for money” services & merchandise aiming to improve sales and secure
AIA’s commercial revenues.
As part of the e’ort to meet consumer needs and to respond to the market trends, a number of brand chang-
es were implemented within the year enhancing the spectrum of the retail o’er. The opening of new stores
and the replacement of mature with younger and more dynamic brands in the Departures Schengen area
stood out. Additionally, in line with the same design elements as with the “ambience improvement” project
implemented last year, a new sponsored “internet” island was added to existing sitting passenger amenities
at the Departures level o’ering to travellers wireless internet, mobile chargers, TV screens and tablets.
On top of the activities presented above, a series of marketing activities related to increasing sales and
enhancing consumer loyalty were implemented in 2013, including among others, the on-going food &
beverage “deals” and the “Christmas@Airport” Shopping Centre promotional activity that was communi-
cated exclusively via AIA’s new facebook page.

With regards to the Airport car parking facilities, the business presented a drop in revenues versus the
previous year affected by the Greek passengers’ consumer behaviour that represent the main parking
clientele. Nonetheless, recorded revenue figures during the last two quarters presented a more moder-
ate decline, assisted by the “e-Parking” service that had a positive effect on parking performance at the
second half of 2013.

During the year, over a million airport users interacted with Terminal Services staff for airport informa-
tion and assistance. The Airport Call Centre responded to almost 500,000 calls and managed a high
answer rate with nearly 93% of passengers being served within 20 seconds. The “Airport-Info” e-mail
service addressed over 2.200 queries.
AIA’s Property revenues during 2013 experienced a drop compared to 2012 revenues. The Airport’s
Retail Park performance was negatively affected by the diminishing disposable income of the Greek
consumers, recording a 10% drop in sales compared to 2012.

Buildings and Space leases overall occupancy rate dropped in 2013 by 3% (83,40% vs. 86,40% in 2012)
due to the downsizing of leased space by most tenants in an effort to minimise operating costs.

On the other hand, Metropolitan Expo improved its performance compared to 2012, demonstrating
resilience in the respective market, by realizing 15 events, totalling 88 operational days (vs. 62) while
attracting an additional 15% of exhibitors. Among the highlights of 2013 operations, approximately

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2013 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated). 6 of 58
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