Page 46 - Annual Report 2013






Page 46 - Annual Report 2013
P. 46
Financial Statements

Airport Marketing & Pricing
Aeronautical pricing offers comprehensive development programmes for airlines, including incen-
tives and marketing support packages, constituting the cornerstone of AIA’s aeronautical strategy for
growth. During 2013, amidst the continuing adverse economic conditions in Greece and the respective
impact on the aviation industry, AIA continued its dynamic marketing strategy and incentives’ policy
in order to defend the airport’s pricing approach while minimising traffic losses and assist airlines to
sustain their operations to the extent possible.
During 2013, AIA maintained all charges unchanged without any inflationary adjustments for the fifth
consecutive year. This freezing of charges was complemented by the extension and introduction of
even stronger targeted schemes for the airlines, throughout the year. Further to the special Low Fares
Incentive during the winter, which aimed to encourage airlines to increase the volume of Low Fares and
thus to stimulate traffic, AIA extended throughout 2013, three significant targeted incentives. In partic-
ular, the Sustainability Incentive, aiming at encouraging airlines to sustain the same level of operated
flights vs. the previous corresponding period, the Transfer Incentive, aiming at defending transfer traffic
levels and the Load Factor Incentive targeted to encourage airlines to increase the amount of passen-
gers per flight. The newly established developmental scheme, Niche Routes Incentive, was enriched,
aiming at attracting new services to/from niche markets that are currently not operated to/from Athens.

In total, thirteen different incentives addressing both development and sustainability aspects were in
effect during 2013. More than 80% of the operating carriers took advantage of one or more of AIA’s
targeted incentives. Furthermore, more than 40 of our airline partners significantly enjoyed the benefits
from AIA’s traditional developmental incentives & marketing support. The 2013 results and an initial
assessment of the offered schemes continue to verify that the incentives implemented, managed to
successfully deal with the particular issues for which they were introduced.
In recognition of its creativity and continuous dynamic support to its airline partners, especially in light
of the extremely adverse conditions of the Greek economy, the airline industry rewarded, once more,
AIA in 2013. “Routes Europe 2013”, Europe’s biggest airline and airport networking route development
forum, was concluded with one more award for AIA. During the 8th Routes Europe Forum, which was
held in Budapest (May 12-14) with the participation of more than 1,000 aviation professionals, AIA was
the Award Winner in the 4-20 million passengers category. Having received its 12th recognition by
airlines in 9 consecutive years, AIA is the most awarded airport for its airport marketing performance.

The contribution of airlines to the airport’s performance in 2013 was acknowledged by AIA for the 10th
consecutive year by rewarding airlines for the most successful passenger traffic development during
2013. The awards ceremony, the major airline networking event hosted by AIA, took place in February
2014 during AIA’s 14th Airline Marketing Workshop.

During the last three years AIA has supported and enhanced Athens’ attractiveness as a tourism
destination and has assisted in the recovery of the city’s image through strategic co-operations and
synergies with tourism organisations and associations (Association of Tourism Enterprises, Greek
National Tourism Organisation, Ministry of Tourism, Marketing Greece, etc.); it has also undertaken a
series of actions and initiatives towards this direction, e.g. promotion of our city via AIA’s website and
AIA’s lounges, our city-card “athenspotlighted” programme, as well as our most recent initiative, the
“City Pair Initiative”, which was announced during the 1st Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium (ACES)
that was successfully held on the 17th of October 2013. ACES aims at becoming the annual internation-
al gathering of airport CEOs and top industry officials, addressing the challenges, trends and issues of
today’s aviation through a synthesis of ideas and opinions.

The Symposium was also honored by the opening speech of the Minister of Tourism, Mrs Olga Kefalo-
gianni. During the works of ACES and under the scheme of cooperation and mutual support, 18 fellow
airports from around the world signed MoUs with AIA and committed to promote “Destination-Athens”
with all their available communication means on a reciprocity basis. With the motto “Perhaψ You’re
an Aθenian too” and an inventive campaign that captures a market of more than nearly 170.000.000
passengers, the city of Athens will be promoted at airports in Canada, the USA, Latin America, the
European Union and Russia.

5 of 58 Financial Statements as at 31 December 2013 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated).
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