Page 55 - Annual Report 2013






Page 55 - Annual Report 2013
P. 55
Annual Report 2013

Income statement for the year ended 31 december 2013

Note 2013 2012 Restated*
Operating revenues 255,881,287 282,096,280
Other revenues 16,154,316 13,408,588
Total revenues 5.1 272,035,603 295,504,868

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 39,226,525 40,226,687
Outsourcing expenses 47,959,974 54,885,783
Public relations & marketing expenses 2,980,366 2,815,161
Utility expenses 9,272,302 10,631,219
Insurance premiums 2,750,047 2,943,606
Net provisions and impairment losses (747,237) 728,193
Other operating expenses 6,991,356 8,508,334
Total operating expenses before depreciation 108,433,334 120,738,984

EBITDA 163,602,269 174,765,884

Depreciation & amortisation charges 5.2 71,208,391 72,611,536

Operating profit 92,393,878 102,154,348

Financial income 5.3 (7,692,917) (1,104,625)
Financial costs 5.3 45,912,092 49,078,913
Net financial expenses 5.3 38,219,175 47,974,287
Subsidies received for borrowing costs 5.4 (39,767,343) (43,325,943)

Profit before tax 93,942,047 97,506,004
Income tax expense 5.5 (34,943,856) (20,799,948)
Profit after tax 58,998,191 76,706,056

Basic earnings per share 5.6 1.97 2.5

*Restated following the application of IAS 19R . For further information refer to Note 5.32
The notes on pages 19 to 56 are an integral part of these financial statements.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2013 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated). 14 of 58
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