Page 53 - Annual Report 2013






Page 53 - Annual Report 2013
P. 53
Annual Report 2013

• The uneven development of Western European and North American markets vs. those of Middle East
and Asia Pacific will continue to determine the future of the global aviation market.
• On the domestic front, the on-going tender for the privatisation of the main regional airports, as well
as the intended PPP development of the Kastelli airport in Crete are likely to have a wider effect on
the Greek aviation and business environment. At the same time, AIA closely evaluates both cases as
potential investment opportunities.

To this effect, AIA’s recent Business Plan indicates that we are at the juncture of a turning point towards
recovery and it incorporates healthy financial and business projections for the Airport Company after a
5-year period of traffic and business contraction.
Nevertheless, this period has allowed companies like AIA, which were built on healthy foundations, to
be able to address the challenges of the crisis and to become more efficient and more effective.
The Airport Company has maintained an attractive value proposition with potential for upside develop-
ment and continues to address all market challenges by protecting its business model in the areas of
revenues, costs and value for money services. Finally, with the expressed intention of the shareholders
to capitalise on the company’s value, AIA is fully prepared to support these endeavours.

Spata, 30 April 2014
For the Board of Directors of Athens International Airport S.A.

Prof. Nickolaos Travlos

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2013 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated). 12 of 58
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