Page 35 - Annual Report 2013






Page 35 - Annual Report 2013
P. 35
Annual Report 2013

Socio-Economic Impact

In order to measure the overall economic and social value value creation (annual added value at national level: €5.1billion
of Athens Airport for Greece and to develop a common or 2.63% of the Greek GDP) and in terms of job creation
understanding with our stakeholders, in 2013 we updated the (operation of the airport yields 99,987 jobs at national level).
2009 Economic Impact study. The objectives of this study were This socio-economic impact significantly exceeds the relevant
to identify and measure all the impacts from the operation of benchmarks of other major European airports.
the airport to Greek economy and to Mesogheia region in terms
of job creation and economic value added. The Input-Output Annual added
model measured the total economic impact of AIA as the sum value at 2.63%
of three separate but interrelated categories: direct impacts, national level of the Greek GDP
indirect impacts and induced/multiplier impacts, as well as the
impact from tourism.
The results of the study clearly demonstrate that Athens €5.1 billion /
International Airport substantially contributes to the
socioeconomic growth of the country in terms of economic 100.000 jobs

Operational Responsibility

Athens International Airport’s emergency response system
Crisis Planning was mobilised in 219 cases during 2013, presenting to parties
and Aviation Safety involved the opportunity to cooperate and gain experience,
specific knowledge, skills and other crisis readiness dispositions.
Management “Emergency Response Training” to almost 200 members of the
Moreover, Athens International Airport provided an
ground handling companies’ staff in order to foster collaboration
and efficiency in serving travellers under highly stressed
In the continuously evolving aviation operating environment, circumstances, even those of a serious aviation incident.
Athens International Airport implements aviation safety and Additionally, the Airport Services Emergency Medical Care
crisis planning management that ensures efficient daily (ASEMC) served 3,638 cases during 2013, 28,67% of which
operations while enhances airport’s resilience against potential were passengers, with the remaining being airport personnel
operational disruptions. Athens International Airport is strongly and visitors. Of those, only 5% were finally dispatched to
committed to manage daily operations efficiently, raise aviation hospitals while the rest were treated in-house, connotating
safety awareness and engage all airport users in a constructive Athens International Airport’s significant social service and
cooperation. support to airline operations.
A key performance indicator for the Safety Management Further progress was also made in the development and update
System (SMS) effectiveness is the number of serious incidents of major airport operational procedures, the most important being
per 100,000 aircraft/helicopter movements, measured at 41.29 the Aerodrome Operations Manual (Vol. 1. Aviation SMS Manual,
incidents for 2013 (improved vs 2012). Despite this exceptional Vol. 2. Operational Procedures & Ancillary Information & Vol. 3.
performance, Athens International Airport is intensifying Airport Emergency Plan). The Airport Emergency Plan was also
training activities. Intensive training activities for airside safety extensively tested and regular training was conducted to ensure
awareness, safety-related workshops and safety committee familiarisation, knowledge and corresponding implementation
meetings within airport community operational stakeholders, all of the emergency procedures, but also to increase airport
contributed to this performance. community emergency preparedness. A large number of
Furthermore, the annual safety audit programme, auditing operational stakeholders were involved in practicing emergency
both Athens International Airport and stakeholders’ associated exercise this year. The latter was done without a prior notice for
functions, in order to identify, emphasise and analyse areas the exact date and time of execution while only a limited number
for improvement, also ensured safety for passengers and of personnel could access information during the planning phase.
personnel. In 2013, following International Civil Aviation To this respect, involved parties were tested in a simulated real
Organization (ICAO) stipulations, an external safety audit environment and proved their expertise during adverse situations.
focusing on airside operations and Athens International
Airport’s SMS took place for the first time by a specialised emergency
organisation with specific experience and international 10
recognition. Consequently, Athens International Airport’s SMS exercises
was certified in accordance with international standards. / 35
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