Page 36 - Annual Report 2013






Page 36 - Annual Report 2013
P. 36
06 Corporate Responsibility

The Airport Security System and the level of security services The new “e-lounge” was a second addition to the airport’s
in access control, passenger and hand baggage screening, passenger service portfolio in 2013, constructed to accommodate
hold baggage screening and entrance permit issuance were users in a comfortable environment. This contemporary seating area
successfully audited by the EU relevant security inspectors twice equipped with three stand-alone positions, a laptop bar and two big
during 2013. Moreover, Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA)/ screen televisions also provides for specialised electronic services
Security Division performed system tests on passenger and hand i.e. printing boarding passes, travel visas and other documents.
baggage screening operations with positive results. Other passenger service improvements during the year involved
Significant space optimisation of the main screening point in the provision of a new sitting area with free Wireless fast access
MTB/ Intra Schengen area (B3-11) was completed during 2013 and as well as the installation of new video-walls at departure gates.
resulted in a new, contemporary and functional semi-centralised Moreover, additional directional signage was installed within the
checkpoint which provides 10 passenger flows and separate lines MTB to facilitate the flow of passengers with connecting flights,
for business class passengers, as well for airport employees and gate re-assignments and floor changes. To further raise safety
aircrews. awareness, explicit signage was placed at moving escalators
In the MTB/ Extra Schengen area passport control checkpoints aiming to minimize the risk of injury.
have been upgraded and now feature extra security coverage via The new corporate website was launched in 2013, further improving
the use of beam detectors and special cameras in compliance with the airport’s high technological profile. Combining high-end ‘look
EU Schengen Committee directives to ensure passenger data and feel’ and lean architecture the website allows easy navigation
confidentiality and national border protection. and quick access to information and high quality content, while it is
Technical and public areas are monitored via a number of health responsive to various screen resolutions. The new corporate website
and safety inspections, in order to ensure that AIA and contractors was awarded with two significant distinctions, i.e. the Silver Medal in
comply with the corporate health and safety rules. In 2013, 18 the Travel & Tourism category at the “Lovie Awards 2013”, which focus
health & safety audits to ground handlers, cargo handlers, security, on recognising the unique and resonant nature of the European digital
landscaping and maintenance companies took place. community, and the Greek Gold Ermis Award for 2013.
All airport infrastructure, including buildings, systems, equipment,
as well as operations, comply with strict Fire Safety regulations. Silver
AIA has issued and implements fire safety procedures which
are subject to systematic monitoring for adherence. Adherence Medal
is enhanced through intensive training while attested through
purpose-specific exercises and audits.
During 2013, eleven (11) training sessions were conducted and
evacuation drills and simulations. Furthermore, the compliance of cat. Travel & Tourism
technical facilities operations with the Fire safety regulations and the
proper training level of employees involved in emergency evacuations During 2013 AIA introduced its Facebook and Twitter accounts
of public were duly audited in a semi-annual/annual basis. aiming to increase digital touch points and reinforce AIA’s presence
within the digital ecosystem which will engage AIA in a dialogue with
3 evacuation 1 large scale released in all three mobile platforms (IOS, Android and Windows
the public.
Furthermore, the new ATH Airport mobile application was
MTB exercise
Phone). As far as providing on ground assistance services to
persons with disability and/or reduced mobility (PRM), AIA served
an increased number of persons (102,891 in 2013 vs. 96,191 in 2012).
According to the results of the customer survey regarding the level of
Passenger assistance service at the Airport, PRM passengers rated their overall
Service Quality satisfaction very high (4.92 for 2013 vs. 4.85 for 2012).
In November 2013, the 16th International Conference and the
General Assembly of the International Paralympic Committee
was hosted in Athens. AIA signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
AIA is committed to provide passengers with a modern, Framework with the International Paralympic Committee as to
pleasant and comfortable travel experience through state-of- facilitate arriving and departing conference delegates with the use of
the-art systems, innovative services and attentive front-line all required airport services and infrastructures.
professionals. Applying the same design elements as with the Finally, AIA hosted the 2nd session of the “Train the Trainer”
“Ambience Improvement” project (implemented in 2012), new programme for PRM issues. The training was provided by an
service enhancements were introduced in 2013 highlighting the external, certified by European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)
Airport Information Services Counter located at the Arrivals level company.
of the MTB. The new booth provides airport information, ground Since AIA’s Management places high importance on passenger
transportation schedules via display monitors, as well as courtesy perception, the annual service quality survey was also carried out
phones linking with ground handling companies. this year addressing 40,000 passengers, and passenger complaints
were analysed. The passenger satisfaction showed a significant
Airport Information Services Counter improvement during 2013 with key factors being the MTB ambience
improvements and the e-facilities enhancement. Moreover, AIA’s
355,000 airport 24 hour standings in comparison with other European airports also showed
an improved performance.

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