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P. 132
DR. IRINI KARAKASIDOU, Have you ever wished that the day had more tant to us. That everyday life, with its inevita-
than 24 hours? If the answer is ‘yes’, contin- ble routine, is not granted and invisible but it
ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, AT ue reading! Have you reflected on your rela- has a meaning for us.
tionship with time and how you “fill” your In a recent podcast, when Dr Anastasios Sta-
PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF time? Which of the things that you deal with likas was asked ‘’What do you consider impor-
in your everyday life are really important for tant in life?” he answered, “To do things that
SOCIAL AND POLITICAL you, which of them are meaningful for you? you love and you like with good friends and
In one of his recent speeches, Dr Anastasios with people that make you a better person”.
SCIENCES (DEPARTMENT Stalikas (1960-2023), Professor and President The slow living philosophy comes as a response
of the Department of Psychology of Panteion to the endless chase of time, in a modern, glo-
OF PSYCHOLOGY), SHARES University of Social and Political Science and balized society in which financial growth, con-
President of the Hellenic Society of Positive sumption, wealth and power are a priority.
WITH US THE INSIGHTS OF Psychology, talks about how we can live a Slow living demands from us to reconsider
happy life, a life with meaning: “We come to and to turn to a simpler and more balanced
PROFESSOR A. STALIKAS, life for a specific time - unknown, yet specific. life, to restore family values and the value of
In this time, we do important and unimpor- family time, but also the value of time for our-
ON MINDFULNESS AND tant things. The unimportant things simply selves and for others. This life style exonerates
steal our time, they consume our time, they rest, or a mid-day siesta, or a ‘nonproductive’
SAVORING FOR A LIFE fill our time. It is the important things that day. It tells us that faster does not necessarily
make our life unique, special, full of mean- mean better and that busier does not neces-
WITH PURPOSE. ing. It is the important things that make us sarily mean more productive.
happy. And you know, it is up to us to do the If we turn back time, we will see that the term
Η ΔΡ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ ΚΑΡΑΚΑΣΙΔΟΥ, important or the unimportant things in our slow was used during the eighties, when the
life. The choice is ours to make”. Slow Food movement was born in Italy as a
ΛΕΚΤΟΡΑΣ ΣΤΟ ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟ The choice is ours. And time runs fast. In reaction to the first ‘symptoms’ of globaliza-
modern western societies, everything and tion and as a movement against fast food and
ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ everyone run faster. When we are young, we its philosophy. Its aim was to protect tradi-
are in a hurry to grow up and when we grow tional gastronomy and culture that addressed
ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ, up, we are in a hurry to live. We run in or- food as a means to get in touch with our sens-
der to catch up with life than runs faster than es, with others, with self-care, rather than let-
ΜΟΙΡΑΖΕΤΑΙ ΜΑΖΙ ΜΑΣ us. We wait for the weekend to play with our ting fast food predominate. Today, the slow
children, for Christmas to express our grati- food movement advocates savoring food, as
ΑΠΟΣΠΑΣΜΑΤΑ ΑΠΟ tude to the people we are close, and for the well as everyone’s right for access to clean and
holidays to get some rest. And we often live quality food. It aims to protect local gastron-
ΟΜΙΛΙΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΥ our everyday life on autopilot. omy as well as biodiversity and the environ-
But an alternative life philosophy exists, to ment, the latter being addressed by the term
ΣΤΑΛΙΚΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΞΙΑ ΤΟΥ which more and more people turn, during ‘ecogastronomy’.
the last years: slow living. Slow living is an And slow, does not stop there! Nowadays,
ΑΠΟΛΑΜΒΑΝΕΙΝ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΣ alternative lifestyle that refers to addressing most aspects of our life are approached with
every day with greater awareness, attention similar ways, so, we are now talking for Slow
ΕΝΣΥΝΕΙΔΗΤΟΤΗΤΑΣ, ΓΙΑ and care, despite its complexity and its fast Tourism, as a response to mass tourism, for
pace. It consists of an effort to live at the pre- Slow Fashion, as a response to the Fast Fash-
ΜΙΑ ΖΩΗ ΜΕ ΝΟΗΜΑ. sent with substance, gratification and mean- ion Industry, or for Slow Parenting, as a re-
ing. Slow living does not entail to do every- sponse to the suffocating schedule of chil-
thing with a slow pace, but it is the sensation dren and their need to discover the world at
that we devote time to things that are impor- their own pace.
DR. IRINI KARAKASIDOU, Have you ever wished that the day had more tant to us. That everyday life, with its inevita-
than 24 hours? If the answer is ‘yes’, contin- ble routine, is not granted and invisible but it
ADJUNCT PROFESSOR, AT ue reading! Have you reflected on your rela- has a meaning for us.
tionship with time and how you “fill” your In a recent podcast, when Dr Anastasios Sta-
PANTEION UNIVERSITY OF time? Which of the things that you deal with likas was asked ‘’What do you consider impor-
in your everyday life are really important for tant in life?” he answered, “To do things that
SOCIAL AND POLITICAL you, which of them are meaningful for you? you love and you like with good friends and
In one of his recent speeches, Dr Anastasios with people that make you a better person”.
SCIENCES (DEPARTMENT Stalikas (1960-2023), Professor and President The slow living philosophy comes as a response
of the Department of Psychology of Panteion to the endless chase of time, in a modern, glo-
OF PSYCHOLOGY), SHARES University of Social and Political Science and balized society in which financial growth, con-
President of the Hellenic Society of Positive sumption, wealth and power are a priority.
WITH US THE INSIGHTS OF Psychology, talks about how we can live a Slow living demands from us to reconsider
happy life, a life with meaning: “We come to and to turn to a simpler and more balanced
PROFESSOR A. STALIKAS, life for a specific time - unknown, yet specific. life, to restore family values and the value of
In this time, we do important and unimpor- family time, but also the value of time for our-
ON MINDFULNESS AND tant things. The unimportant things simply selves and for others. This life style exonerates
steal our time, they consume our time, they rest, or a mid-day siesta, or a ‘nonproductive’
SAVORING FOR A LIFE fill our time. It is the important things that day. It tells us that faster does not necessarily
make our life unique, special, full of mean- mean better and that busier does not neces-
WITH PURPOSE. ing. It is the important things that make us sarily mean more productive.
happy. And you know, it is up to us to do the If we turn back time, we will see that the term
Η ΔΡ ΕΙΡΗΝΗ ΚΑΡΑΚΑΣΙΔΟΥ, important or the unimportant things in our slow was used during the eighties, when the
life. The choice is ours to make”. Slow Food movement was born in Italy as a
ΛΕΚΤΟΡΑΣ ΣΤΟ ΠΑΝΤΕΙΟ The choice is ours. And time runs fast. In reaction to the first ‘symptoms’ of globaliza-
modern western societies, everything and tion and as a movement against fast food and
ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ everyone run faster. When we are young, we its philosophy. Its aim was to protect tradi-
are in a hurry to grow up and when we grow tional gastronomy and culture that addressed
ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ, up, we are in a hurry to live. We run in or- food as a means to get in touch with our sens-
der to catch up with life than runs faster than es, with others, with self-care, rather than let-
ΜΟΙΡΑΖΕΤΑΙ ΜΑΖΙ ΜΑΣ us. We wait for the weekend to play with our ting fast food predominate. Today, the slow
children, for Christmas to express our grati- food movement advocates savoring food, as
ΑΠΟΣΠΑΣΜΑΤΑ ΑΠΟ tude to the people we are close, and for the well as everyone’s right for access to clean and
holidays to get some rest. And we often live quality food. It aims to protect local gastron-
ΟΜΙΛΙΕΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΟΥ our everyday life on autopilot. omy as well as biodiversity and the environ-
But an alternative life philosophy exists, to ment, the latter being addressed by the term
ΣΤΑΛΙΚΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗΝ ΑΞΙΑ ΤΟΥ which more and more people turn, during ‘ecogastronomy’.
the last years: slow living. Slow living is an And slow, does not stop there! Nowadays,
ΑΠΟΛΑΜΒΑΝΕΙΝ ΚΑΙ ΤΗΣ alternative lifestyle that refers to addressing most aspects of our life are approached with
every day with greater awareness, attention similar ways, so, we are now talking for Slow
ΕΝΣΥΝΕΙΔΗΤΟΤΗΤΑΣ, ΓΙΑ and care, despite its complexity and its fast Tourism, as a response to mass tourism, for
pace. It consists of an effort to live at the pre- Slow Fashion, as a response to the Fast Fash-
ΜΙΑ ΖΩΗ ΜΕ ΝΟΗΜΑ. sent with substance, gratification and mean- ion Industry, or for Slow Parenting, as a re-
ing. Slow living does not entail to do every- sponse to the suffocating schedule of chil-
thing with a slow pace, but it is the sensation dren and their need to discover the world at
that we devote time to things that are impor- their own pace.