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of the necessary studies for the implementation of themselves with the winning proposal that will soon
the project. One year later, the signing of a Collabo- transform their daily routines.
ration Agreement for the “Rethink Athens” Program
was announced, co-signed by the Onassis Foun- The winning proposal at a glance
dation and the relevant ministries, as well as the a Τhe Dutch architecture firm OKRA LANDSCHAP-
Memorandum of Collaboration that was signed by SARCHITECTEN BV ( specializes in designing
the Region of Attika and the Municipality of Athens. public spaces with recent projects the centre of Ba-
After 71 different proposals were submitted from sel in Switzerland, Croydon (the so-called “third cen-
various European architecture firms, the 8 most tre” of London) and the Metropolitan zone of Copen-
promising entries were chosen to compete in the hagen. Here is a snapshot of their Athens proposal:
final selection process. The winner of the competi-  Syntagma and Omonia Squares will become the
tion was announced at the Onassis Cultural Centre city’s two main “green” squares, while Dikaiosinis
in February 2013 in the presence of representatives Sq. will become an urban green room with a water
of all political parties, who made a commitment for source and host activities in a shaded courtyard, while
the prompt incorporation of the project into Euro- a green belt will run down the middle of Panepisti-
pean co-funded programmes, so that it be com- miou St., giving the characteristics of an urban park.
pleted by 2016. The total cost of this renovation is  The new tram line will be designed so that it func-
€92.000.000, and 95% of this will be covered by EU tions as the main ingredient of the landscape, while
funds. All of the proposals were on display at Syn- it will also operate less regularly at night.
tagma metro station, so Athenians could acquaint  Private vehicles and taxis will be well-served to

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