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Α Athens insider's guide



Tale of two countries

Canada's ambassador to Greece talks about the
ties between the two countries and his personal
thoughts about Athens | O πρέσβης του Καναδά στην
Ελλάδα μιλά για τους δεσμούς που ενώνουν τις δύο
χώρες, αλλά και για τη δική του Αθήνα.

We are celebrating 70 years of diplomatic rela- es that the problem of climate change demands Γιορτάζουμε 70 χρόνια διπλωματικών σχέσεων
tions between Canada and Greece. What is the a global solution. In addition, the government is Καναδά - Ελλάδας. Ποια είναι η σημασία τους;
importance of these ties? supporting and encouraging green technologies, Οι πρώτοι Έλληνες μετανάστες έφτασαν στον
The first Greek migrants arrived in Canada in a sector in which Canada is ahead. Καναδά το 1899. Σήμερα η ελληνική κοινότητα
1899. Today, the Greek community numbers What do you like about Athens? αριθμεί πάνω από 300.000 άτομα. Οι δύο χώρες
over 300,000 people contributing to the en- Athens is one of the most underrated cities in Eu- έχουν σημαντικές εμπορικές σχέσεις, που
richment of Canadian life. Our two countries rope. It is a city of neighbourhoods. Friends invite ελπίζουμε να αναπτυχθούν. Για παράδειγμα,
have important trade relations which, despite me to go out and we end up in a neighbourhood η El Dorado Gold επενδύει 2,5 δισ. ευρώ και
the difficult times, will hopefully grow further. that I know nothing about, at their favourite tav- σχεδιάζει να επενδύσει 1 δισ. ευρώ στη Βόρεια
For example, El Dorado Gold is investing €2.5 ern. Closely linked to these neighbourhoods are the Ελλάδα τα επόμενα πέντε χρόνια, κάτι που θα
billion and is planning to invest an additional street markets, where you can buy fresh produce. δημιουργήσει θέσεις εργασίας. Παλαιότερα, στην
€1 billion in northern Greece over the next five The open-air summer cinemas have a unique at- Κατοχή, ο Καναδάς με το Greek War Relief Fund
years, something that will create new jobs. In mosphere. People can eat, drink and even smoke, έστελνε με τον «Ερυθρό Σταυρό» στην Ελλάδα,
the past, during the Occupation, Canada with without annoying anyone.
the Greek War Relief Fund sent 15,000 tons of How can Athens become greener?
wheat to Greece through the Red Cross via neu- I was here in 1990 when the smog was a dai-
tral Switzerland. Mainly with the support of Ca- ly phenomenon. Since then, the quality of life
nadians and Greek Canadians, over 3 million has improved. Cars are a curse in any big city,
dollars was raised. so public transport should become more acces-
What connects the two countries? sible and be expanded, particularly the metro.
The history of Greek migration to Canada is one But the environment is the responsibility of all
tie. Historically, Greece is a country to which we of us. When we came here, my wife asked for
are all indebted in terms of culture. I believe that, a bin for recycling organic mass into fertilizer.
as guests, the most constructive thing is to work On the roof of the official residence we have
together. I feel that on the political level there is a planted a garden and are growing tomatoes
greater commitment to promote foreign invest- along with aromatic plants. So we don’t need
ment in Greece. As for the mining of gold, peo- to drive to buy vegetables, since we are culti-
ple are concerned about the environmental im- vating them on our roof.
pacts. But Canadian companies such as El Dorado There are efforts under way to rebrand Greece
are listed on the stock exchange and answerable as a gastronomic destination…
to their shareholders. Some years ago, a Canadi- I fully support it. I am proud of Greek Canadian
an businessman set up a hydroplane service. He Costas Spiliadis of Milos. In your magazine, the
came, he invested and he was disappointed. We profiles of young Greeks who are making a dif-
are working carefully to have a law on hydroplanes ference give me hope for the future.
passed, so that a network can return to Greece.
What are the main elements of Canada’s envi- Athens is one of the most underrated cities
ronmental policies? in Europe. It is a city of neighbourhoods,
Canada is a country of great natural beauty and street markets and summer cinemas
mineral wealth. The federal government, prov-
inces and municipalities work together to find a
balance between utilizing this wealth and devel-
opment. At the same time, the country recogniz-

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