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Page 90 - teyxos_13
P. 90
Apr-Jun | 12 Business Economy & Culture



The epi-Centre of events!

First opened in 2009, the largest and most modern exhibitions and event venue in
Greece has become the economic and cultural epicentre of Athens. | Με αφετηρία
το 2009, το μεγαλύτερο και πιο σύγχρονο κέντρο εκθέσεων και εκδηλώσεων στην
Ελλάδα αναδείχθηκε σε επίκεντρο οικονομικής και πολιτιστικής δράσης στην Αθήνα.

I deal for hosting large events, from trade crossed the famed “Red Wall”, a trademark of International Boat Show and the Xenia Exhibition.
fairs and conferences to receptions and the centre’s architectural design, to participate in In fact, practically all members of the Greek
rock concerts, the ultra-modern Metro- one of the many exhibitions we have hosted here”. business community have visited the Met-
politan Expo has become the milestone Metropolitan Expo’s modern infrastructure and ropolitan Expo at least once to visit or par-
of a new era for Athens. Even though the flexible design allow for modifications and ad- ticipate in an exhibition, conference, show,
property’s size, exceptional infrastructure and ex- justments to the centre’s layout, thus catering to presentation, speech, party, performance or
perienced staff have certainly contributed to its the needs of a wide range of events. For example, concert. We can therefore truly say, with-
success, its prime advantage is without a doubt over the years this impressive, ultra-modern cen- out exaggeration, that the Metropolitan Ex-
its location. All roads, terrestrial and otherwise, tre has hosted the presentation of the FIFA World po has inserted a sense of prestige, comfort,
seem to lead to the Metropolitan Expo since it is Cup in 2010, the athletes of the Special Olympics easy access and extensive hospitality to nu-
ideally situated very close to the airport. Located in 2011, a concert by the Pet Shop Boys, a perfor- merous economic and cultural events from a
just 3km from AIA’s main terminal building, the mance by the famed Theatre du Soleil, the Athens large variety of industries.
centre boasts easy and direct access via the Attiki
Odos motorway and nearby metro and subur- More than 1,100,000 visitors have crossed
ban railway stations. the famed “Red Wall”, a trademark of the
In just over four years, as Metropolitan Expo Gen- Metropolitan Expo’s architectural design
eral Manager Mr. Marinos Marinos disclosed to
2board, “more than 1.10 million visitors have

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