Page 68 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 68
07 Sustainability Framework and Commitment

About this Report

This is the 11h edition of the annual information on sustainability issues, (, the GRI portal (www.
Corporate Responsibility Report of In order to cover comparability as well as in
Athens International Airport S.A. (AIA) the UNGC CoP Directory (www.
which aims to provide all stakeholders of information disclosed, previous
with consistent and thorough Corporate Responsibility Reports are
available on the company’s website

Purpose & Scope The Report refers to the period of Venizelos” in the Spata region of
January through December 2013 Athens, Greece. The Report further
This Report focuses on AIA’s through certain data repeated from discloses information within the
management constant commitment previous editions, necessary for wider sphere of influence – related to
on the sustainable and socially comprehending the text. It covers the companies operating in our airport
responsible operation and full spectrum of AIA’s programmes business community – in the context
development of Athens International and activities under the direct control of AIA’s role as the community
Airport. Through this edition AIA aims of AIA operating within the Athens “orchestrator”.
to increase stakeholders’ interest International Airport “Eleftherios
through accurate and validated


The Report elaborates on corporate document is based on the `GRI was not in effect with the GRI G3.1
targets, management practices and Airport Operators Sector Supplement’ Guidelines, used in our 2012 Report,
key performance indicators for 2013 (AOSS), issued in 2011 and developed and consequently we have no relevant
in a simple, comprehensive way, with based on the G3.1 Guidelines (2011). changes to mention.
a flowing content. Report content Additionally, the Report content
has been set as defined by AA1000 is based on the provisions of The responsibility for preparing,
AccountAbility Principles Standard ISO26000:2010 standard, as well as submitting and distributing the Report
(2008), the Global Reporting Initiative the ten principles of the United Nations lies under the Corporate Quality
(GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Global Compact (UNGC). Department, which coordinates
Guidelines `in accordance’ core the input from the CR Report Team
requirements, including the G4 Airport This is AIA’s first Report in members and other colleagues
Operators Sector Disclosures, as accordance to the GRI G4 representing the majority of Company
appropriate, depending on AIA’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, departments. The CR Report Team is
reported material aspects. The including no changes in scope from supervised by the cross-company CR
Airport Operators Sector Disclosures our 2012 Report. Nevertheless, Committee, which in turn reports to the
the concept of Aspect Boundaries CEO and the Chief Officers.

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