Page 72 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 72
07 Sustainability Framework and Commitment

Our independence
We conducted our engagement in compliance with the requirements of the IFAC Code of Ethics for
Professional Accountants, which requires, among other requirements that the members of the assurance
team as well as the assurance firm are independent of the assurance client, including not being involved
in writing the Corporate Responsibility Report.
We have not provided any services relating to the preparation of the Report.
EY has systems and processes in place to monitor compliance with the Code and to prevent conflicts
regarding independence. The firm and all professional personnel involved in this engagement have met
these independence requirements.
Our assurance team
The professionals which participated in the engagement are members of and are supported by the EY
Climate Change and Sustainability Services global network, which undertakes similar engagements in
Greece and at a Global level.
Athens, 19 June 2014
For and on behalf of
Certified Auditors Accountants S.A.
Vassilios Kaminaris

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