Page 73 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 73
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013


The following committees are responsible for their corresponding aspect of Corporate Responsibility,
in line with AIA CR Governance Structure:

AIA’s Corporate Responsibility Committee AIA’s CR Report Team

I. Papadopoulou, Director Communications & Marketing (chair) P. Papademetriou, Manager Corporate Quality (Chair)
G. Kalimassias, Director Corporate Planning C. Mitsotakis, Head Public Relations
G. Tzavaras, Director Aviation Services K. Triantafyllou, Head Crisis Planning
G. Stergiopoulou, Director Human Resources I. Kapetaniou, Supervisor Quality Systems & CSR
M. O’Connor, Manager Environmental Services A. Kostiani, Environmental Affairs Specialist
P. Papademetriou, Manager Corporate Quality L. Chontou, Coordinator, Employee Services

The material and information contained herein was compiled with the contribution of numerous colleagues, representing all AIA Units.

Contact Details We would highly appreciate any suggestions or requests
for clarification on any related issue.
Readers’ comments regarding our corporate responsibility
performance enable us to improve the structure and quality
of information disclosed.

About this Report and AIA’s corporate responsibility For noise-related issues please contact:
matters, kindly contact: “We Listen” hotline,
Irene Kapetaniou tel: (+30) 210-3530003
tel: (+30) 210-3537240
e-mail: [email protected] For any other contact with Athens International Airport,
please contact:
For Local Communities issues, kindly contact: AIA / Administration Building Call Centre,
Anna Kostiani tel: (+30) 210-3531000
tel: (+30) 210-3536493 AIA Call Center (24 hours),
e-mail: [email protected] tel: (+30) 210-3530000 / 73
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