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04. Our Business
4.5. Airport Community Stakeholder Engagement period three significant supportive incentives,
aiming to sustain and protect flights and traffic
AIA operates in an airport business community of levels during those challenging times. Namely, the
approx. 12,500 persons working for state authorities, sustainability incentive was targeting to contain loses
organisations and companies. Since airport opening, in the number of operated flights versus the previous
AIA upholds the role as an “orchestrator” who aims corresponding period while the transfer incentive
to ensure that all fulfil legal obligations and meet was aiming to defend transfer traffic levels. The niche
successfully operational challenges. and develop a routes incentive, a developmental scheme, was also
common culture where all strive towards win-win set in place in order to stimulate additional traffic and
collaborations. attract new direct services from niche markets that
are currently not operated to/from Athens.
AIA chairs and participates in committees and working
groups, in Greece and abroad, related to airport The above incentive policy not only was extended for
operations and business development. the winter period 2012-13, but was further enriched. In
August 2012, AIA announced the Targeted Incentives
• AIA shares knowledge and expertise with other Scheme for the winter period 2012-2013, comprising
European airports on all issues in airport operations one new (load factor incentive) and four extended
by participation in respective committees of Airport targeted incentives (sustainability, transfer, winter low
Council International (ACI) Europe and World. Since fares and niche routes incentives). This scheme aims
November 2011, Dr Ioannis N. Paraschis, our CEO, was to support airlines and motivate them on sustaining/
elected as the Chairman of ACI World. This is a great increasing traffic during the winter low traffic season,
honor for Athens International Airport. amid the current extremely adverse period. By the end
of 2012, 14 different incentive both developmental
• AIA operates in compliance with the national and and sustainability schemes were in place.
international legal provisions and aviation industry
standards and guidelines. Furthermore, AIA 60% of the operating carriers took advantage of one
collaborates with the State regulatory authorities or more of AIA’s targeted incentives during 2012. More
and independent bodies and joins in aviation than 50 of our airline partners benefited significantly
transportation committees in Greece and abroad. by our developmental incentives and marketing
support, while the total amount offered in rebates –
• Airport commercial business activities are represented for 2012 - reached the €20 mio. The new incentives
in retail councils and business forums. increased AIA’s participation in airlines’ risk while the
discounts offered represent an approximate discount
• Within the airport community, AIA is involved in of 30% of the total AIA’s aeronautical charges.
several committees and working groups with the
airlines, the ground handling companies, the cargo Following an initial assessment of the subject wide-
operators, tenants and concessionaires. scale and innovative marketing programme, we remain
satisfied since the particular issues for which these
4.5.1 Airline Community Culture incentives have been designed and implemented
AIA confronts the adverse economic effects in the have been, at a large extent, successfully dealt with.
aviation industry within the context of defending Indicatively, the implementation of the transfer incentive
traffic volumes, containing traffic losses and assisting since the beginning of summer 2012 contributed to the
airlines to sustain, at the extent possible, their sustainability of the summer transfer traffic levels vs. the
operations. During 2012, AIA continued offering previous corresponding period, allowing, at the same
support programmes to its airlines-partners and time, the eligible carriers to design a competitive and
introduced a series of additional new measures clearly aggressive pricing policy for transfer passengers.
demonstrating the active engagement in supporting
them reducing their operating costs. Despite the country’s economic problems and overall
traffic downturn, the airline industry rewarded AIA in
Within this framework, AIA maintained, for a fourth recognition of its consistent and dynamic support to
consecutive year, all charges unchanged without any airlines’ developmental efforts. More specifically, AIA
inflationary adjustments. This freezing of charges was was distinguished in the frame of OAG-Routes Airport
complemented by the introduction of even stronger Marketing Awards, during 2012 European Routes
special supportive schemes for the airlines, starting as conference in Estonia and announced as Nominee during
early as of February 2012 and continuing till the end the 2012 Routes World conference in Abu Dhabi.
of the year. Further to the special winter incentive,
encouraging airlines to introduce lower fares to
passengers, AIA also introduced for the summer
4.5. Airport Community Stakeholder Engagement period three significant supportive incentives,
aiming to sustain and protect flights and traffic
AIA operates in an airport business community of levels during those challenging times. Namely, the
approx. 12,500 persons working for state authorities, sustainability incentive was targeting to contain loses
organisations and companies. Since airport opening, in the number of operated flights versus the previous
AIA upholds the role as an “orchestrator” who aims corresponding period while the transfer incentive
to ensure that all fulfil legal obligations and meet was aiming to defend transfer traffic levels. The niche
successfully operational challenges. and develop a routes incentive, a developmental scheme, was also
common culture where all strive towards win-win set in place in order to stimulate additional traffic and
collaborations. attract new direct services from niche markets that
are currently not operated to/from Athens.
AIA chairs and participates in committees and working
groups, in Greece and abroad, related to airport The above incentive policy not only was extended for
operations and business development. the winter period 2012-13, but was further enriched. In
August 2012, AIA announced the Targeted Incentives
• AIA shares knowledge and expertise with other Scheme for the winter period 2012-2013, comprising
European airports on all issues in airport operations one new (load factor incentive) and four extended
by participation in respective committees of Airport targeted incentives (sustainability, transfer, winter low
Council International (ACI) Europe and World. Since fares and niche routes incentives). This scheme aims
November 2011, Dr Ioannis N. Paraschis, our CEO, was to support airlines and motivate them on sustaining/
elected as the Chairman of ACI World. This is a great increasing traffic during the winter low traffic season,
honor for Athens International Airport. amid the current extremely adverse period. By the end
of 2012, 14 different incentive both developmental
• AIA operates in compliance with the national and and sustainability schemes were in place.
international legal provisions and aviation industry
standards and guidelines. Furthermore, AIA 60% of the operating carriers took advantage of one
collaborates with the State regulatory authorities or more of AIA’s targeted incentives during 2012. More
and independent bodies and joins in aviation than 50 of our airline partners benefited significantly
transportation committees in Greece and abroad. by our developmental incentives and marketing
support, while the total amount offered in rebates –
• Airport commercial business activities are represented for 2012 - reached the €20 mio. The new incentives
in retail councils and business forums. increased AIA’s participation in airlines’ risk while the
discounts offered represent an approximate discount
• Within the airport community, AIA is involved in of 30% of the total AIA’s aeronautical charges.
several committees and working groups with the
airlines, the ground handling companies, the cargo Following an initial assessment of the subject wide-
operators, tenants and concessionaires. scale and innovative marketing programme, we remain
satisfied since the particular issues for which these
4.5.1 Airline Community Culture incentives have been designed and implemented
AIA confronts the adverse economic effects in the have been, at a large extent, successfully dealt with.
aviation industry within the context of defending Indicatively, the implementation of the transfer incentive
traffic volumes, containing traffic losses and assisting since the beginning of summer 2012 contributed to the
airlines to sustain, at the extent possible, their sustainability of the summer transfer traffic levels vs. the
operations. During 2012, AIA continued offering previous corresponding period, allowing, at the same
support programmes to its airlines-partners and time, the eligible carriers to design a competitive and
introduced a series of additional new measures clearly aggressive pricing policy for transfer passengers.
demonstrating the active engagement in supporting
them reducing their operating costs. Despite the country’s economic problems and overall
traffic downturn, the airline industry rewarded AIA in
Within this framework, AIA maintained, for a fourth recognition of its consistent and dynamic support to
consecutive year, all charges unchanged without any airlines’ developmental efforts. More specifically, AIA
inflationary adjustments. This freezing of charges was was distinguished in the frame of OAG-Routes Airport
complemented by the introduction of even stronger Marketing Awards, during 2012 European Routes
special supportive schemes for the airlines, starting as conference in Estonia and announced as Nominee during
early as of February 2012 and continuing till the end the 2012 Routes World conference in Abu Dhabi.
of the year. Further to the special winter incentive,
encouraging airlines to introduce lower fares to
passengers, AIA also introduced for the summer