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04. Our Business

quarters of the year saw a gradual limitation of losses, Over the first 4 years of operations, the airport
with passenger traffic losses evolving from -15.8% exhibition and conference centre, Metropolitan Expo,
in May to -8.2% in December; the observed recovery has evolved as the leading venue for many notable
trend was more apparent in the international sector. exhibitions and conferences organized in Athens. Two
major events took place for the first time marking the
Athens airport’s network in 2012 2012 expo performance amidst the overall adverse
Direct scheduled services to 109 destinations (76 economic activity; these two events are namely
international) in 47 countries, serviced by 64 airlines. HORECA, the leading trade show for the hospitality
and foodservice industry and POSIDONIA, the global
With the global and the European air cargo traffic marketplace for ship builders, suppliers of ships’
experiencing a second consecutive year of decline and equipment and shipping-related services.
amid the gloomy financial environment in Greece,
the development of cargo traffic volumes at Athens 4.3.3 Airport Photovoltaic Park
International Airport amounted to 76,400 tonnes, Athens International Airport’s Photovoltaic Park of
experiencing a drop of 11%. Both domestic and 8 MWp, in operation since July 2011, reflects our
international sectors were severely affected with commitment to environmental friendly technologies.
the domestic sector suffering a substantial drop of The facility’s 28,740 PV panels of 280Wp each cover an
28.8%, and the international sector also presenting area of 160,000 m2within the airport site converting
considerable losses (-7.9%). the sunlight to electrical dc-current. The 12 inverters
of 630kW, in turn, receive this dc-current and convert
4.3 Non-Aeronautical Business Overview it to ac-power, which is then up-scaled to 20kV at a
rate of 97%-98% efficiency. The infrastructure is
Our Airport City provides an ideal environment for supplemented by 7 substations, 7,600 supporting
passengers and visitors to visit the airport, shop and structures and over of 270km of power cables.
Concluding a full first year of operations in 2012, the
4.3.1 Airport Retail Park PV plant produced more than 13,500 MWh of energy,
In 2012, the Airport Retail Park welcomed approximately realizing an approximately 8% higher output than
2.9 mio visitors reaffirming its reputation as one of initially anticipated for the said year. The 2012 PV
the most attractive regional shopping destinations produced energy is equivalent to 11% of the airport’s
in Athens. With 54,000 m2 selling space and 2,500 total energy consumption.
parking spaces, the park accommodates four major
retail brands namely IKEA, KOTSOVOLOS, LEROY 4.3.4 Airport Shopping Centre
MERLIN and FACTORY OUTLET offering more than The Airport Shopping Centre annual plan focused on
300,000 products for house furniture and decoration, activities related to promoting sales and enhancing
electric appliances and electronics as well as fashion consumers’ airport experience within the challenging
apparel. financial environment.

4.3.2 Airport Hotel and Exhition Center Within this context, a series of promotional activities
Located just opposite to the Main Terminal Building, the took place including the food & beverage “tasty
Sofitel Athens Airport offers a 5-star accommodation deals” and the “shop/win now” campaigns. The first
with plenty of business and comfort amenities. activity catered for a variety of value-for-money
According to the 2012 ACCOR’s worldwide internal food deals, while the second offered to consumers
“Guest Satisfaction Survey” conducted by MKG research chances to instantly win gift certificates, discount
house, the hotel received an overall rate of 8.9, on a scale vouchers and other gifts from the retail shops. Both
1 to 10, with 69.1% of the respondents being “extremely activities enjoyed remarkable figures of consumers’
satisfied” from the service and accommodation participation.
experience. Similarly, based on the 2012 “Social Media
Web Analysis” benchmarking, provided by TrustYou Further, aiming at enhancing the overall experience
specialized agency, Sofitel earned an overall high while spending time at the Airport Shopping Centre,
satisfaction score of 88 out of 100 , from users of well- new amenities were added to the existing facilities.
established internet sites like, Tripadvisor, A Samsung multi-functional seating area, with TV, Expedia, Travelocity, etc. screens and complimentary access to tablets and
chargers for mobile phones, was added to the Main
Terminal Building/Departures Level.

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