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Financial Statements

Within our 2012 “Airport & Children” programme, we welcomed 6,500 young passengers and their families in the
dedicated children’s entertainment area, located at the MTB and operated by qualified staff of the Greek Association
“The Smile of the Child”. Furthermore, through our Visitor Service programme, we offered an insight into Airport’s
operational and functional areas, to more than 2,500 guests from schools, other institutions and organizations.

Following the 2012 corporate CR programme, AIA continued to support children and other social groups in need by
contributing to various humanitarian activities.

• Environmental Responsibility: AIA’s Photovoltaic Park enhances the Airport’s environmental profile since its “green”
energy production is equivalent to the annual prevention of nearly 12,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions, for a life-cycle of
more than 20 years.

In 2012, AIA achieved two important targets set in 2008 in the context of its first Climate Change Corporate Action
Plan; more specifically it increased its recycling rate to over 50% (from 34% in 2007 to 52% in 2012) and also planted
more than 50,000 m2 of trees and shrubs on the Airport property. In addition, AIA continues to make progress against
its 2020 target of reducing CO2 emissions under its direct control by 25% and maintained its Level 2 (Reduction)
Airport Carbon Accreditation.

Application of the "Polluter Pays" concept has helped incentivise recycling at the source by third parties operating at
the Airport. AIA remains one of very few airports worldwide to operate its own Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), which
treated 262,879 m3 of sewage in 2012.

Further to a successful audit by an independent body, the certification of our Environmental Management System was
renewed in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard until January 2016.

The 2nd Round of the Study on Aircraft Noise (Noise Mapping) at our Airport was performed in compliance with the
relevant European and Greek legislation and approved by the Hellenic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate

Finally, AIA's continuing support of initiatives to protect and promote the Vravrona Wetland have helped transform
this site into a popular destination for school children and other visitors interested in its unique combination of
archaeological and environmental value.

• Employer’s Responsibility: AIA’s headcount, at the end of 2012, was 642 people under open-ended contracts while 44
persons were employed seasonally in order to cover peak period requirements and replacement needs. Compared to the
previous year, AIA’s total staff count was lower by 5%, mainly due to retirement.

AIA meets the multiple challenges of the current financial and social climate by cultivating a safe and ethical working
environment. The implementation of the corporate business strategy is closely linked with the continuous development
of Airport Company’s employees and therefore significant resources are allocated for training and development activities.
The annual corporate Training Plan for 2012 involved 13,108 hours with a variety of training methods, such as in-class
and on-the-job training, workshops, job assignments and e-learning courses. 78% of the employees attended at least
one training session corresponding to 18.5 hours per FTE. During 2012, AIA continued the participation in a long-term
developmental program supported by ACI and ICAO, namely “Airport Management Professional Accreditation Program”
(AMPAP). This specialised training involves all functional areas of the airport business. Furthermore, AIA Management
completed successfully a leadership development program, with Harvard Business Publishing.

As a responsible employer, AIA provides to all permanent employees and their dependents (a total of 1,774 persons) a
group insurance program covering the fields of health and life, as well as a pension programme to which 93.8% of our
employees have selected to participate with their own contribution.

4. 2012 Financial Statements’ Highlights

• The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) and the Accounting Policies approved by the Board of Directors of the Airport Company.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2012 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated) Page 9 of 54
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