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• Moreover and following the successful completion of a service contract signed in 2011 between AIA and QAIA for
the “Provision of consultancy services on “GSM infrastructure”, a new agreement was concluded for the provision of
consulting services on testing and commissioning of the airport’s new IT&T systems.

• Finally, AIA continued in 2012 its consulting services to Abu Dhabi Airport Company for the provision of airport
marketing survey services.

3. Corporate Responsibility

ΑΙΑ follows a balanced, stakeholder-focused approach, in accordance with the international standards and best practices.
The Corporate Responsibility (CR) programme for 2012 was advanced significantly through the implementation of the
newly revised Corporate Responsibility Policy, which defines the revenant governance structure within the Airport
Company and related activities (materiality analysis, CR strategy development, CR reporting & assurance, CR networking).
The materiality analysis, presenting the significant issues for AIA and the perceived impact on its stakeholders, is
elaborated by AIA’s CR Committee and approved by the top Management. Based on the outcome, the annual CR strategy
was deployed, along with specific sustainability objectives (action plans) per business area.

• Operational Responsibility: AIA continues to make airside safety improvements and take initiatives to flawlessly
maintain uninterrupted and effective Airport operation, but also to minimize the risks in case emergency situations
arise. Especially in this adverse economic environment, the concern for the safety performance of employees and
the effectiveness of emergency management system is heightened. Efforts are intensified by all involved in order to
overcome the constraints imposed on financial and human resources.

During 2012, the indicator related with the number of serious incidents per 100,000 aircraft movements was reduced
to 41.74 (-26.36% vs. 2011), exceeding the corporate target for outstanding performance (47 incidents). However,
more training and awareness activities were planned and held during last year (focusing on FOD management,
incident reporting and other safety issues).

During 2012 further progress was also made in developing and updating our operational procedure documentation:
the Aerodrome Operations Manual and the “Guidelines for our Customers” Manual. Furthermore, the Airport
Emergency Plan was extensively tested to ensure readiness and eight emergency exercises were conducted.

Within the scope of provision of on ground assistance services to persons with disability and/or reduced mobility
(PRM), the Coordination office relocated to a new area, closer to facilities and services frequently used, in order to
further accommodate the needs of PRMs.

Our striving for passenger satisfaction is evidenced with the continuous increase for another year in a row of the
“Passenger Satisfaction” index which is measured on a daily basis through our passenger survey. Thus, our relevant
score for 2012 was further increased vs. 2011 from 4.20 to 4.24 (on a 5-point scale).

• Corporate Citizenship: AIA has established a fruitful dialogue with its neighbors and works closely with representatives
from the local communities to address issues of common concern. The 2012 Local Communities Action Plan included
a number of different initiatives including the installation of a much-needed central heating system at a local nursery
school while the reward programme for local schools engaging in recycling continues to be a success.

AIA further to a transportation hub has turned into a cultural hub for travellers and visitors. Our commitment is to offer a
unique travel and cultural experience while promoting our country’s cultural identity. Approximately 250,000 persons
visited the permanent exhibitions located at the MTB. In 2012, the exhibition dedicated to Eleftherios Venizelos was
refurbished with the support of the National Research Foundation “Eleftherios Venizelos” and the region of Crete. In
parallel, AIA cooperates with the most prominent cultural institutions of Athens – such as the Archaeological Museum
of Athens - as to accommodate temporary thematic exhibitions at the Airport premises. Moreover, AIA supports major
Greek cultural entities, such as the Byzantine and Christian Museum, the Greek National Theatre, Megaron Athens
Concert Hall etc.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2012 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated) Page 8 of 54
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