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2. Business Highlights

The Airport Company’s business highlights for the year 2012 are presented hereunder:

Airport Operations

Safe, orderly and efficient airport operations were maintained throughout the year, offering a very high level of service,
while close cooperation with stakeholders was sustained in order to ensure the expected high level of the airport’s
operational and quality performance. Furthermore, AIA exploited a number of external business opportunities, building
experience for future ventures.

• For another year, AIA’s safety records demonstrated an enhanced performance, while a revision of all Operations
major documents and manuals was completed. Aiming at further improving the overall safety performance AIA’s
Aviation Safety Services Office organized a series of safety activities, including airside safety awareness presentations,
meetings with stakeholders, and safety campaigns at the airside.

• In the framework of AIA’s security operations, the high level of the airport’s systems was once again verified, following
a number of national and international audits that demonstrated a full harmonisation not only with the new stringent
European Aviation requirements, but also with the TSA’s (USA) most recent directives.

• Having obtained the official certification for Airbus A380 operations, the airport welcomed Emirates’ A380 carrying
out a full turnaround of their scheduled flight. Besides the promotional value of the event for the airline, this was also
a valuable test proving the smooth and efficient handling of the aircraft by airport facilities.

• In the context of the Crisis Planning & Emergency Management, during 2012 AIA pursued its strategic objectives,
through a series of training activities, workshops with third parties, and 8 emergency exercises, among which the
annual ICAO emergency exercise, this time a full-scale one titled “Hijacking at the airport”. This 6-hour duration
drill, which involved 300 participants, was one of the largest and more complicated exercises since airport opening.
More than 150 people from the airport community and involved organisations who observed the exercise, found it
extremely worthwhile.

• In the context of our ground handling sector, the activity that was recorded throughout the year in the field of
trainings and certifications was particularly notable: this included the successful hosting of IATA’s pool trainings in
the fields of a) drinking water and b) fuel quality, with the participation of industry delegates from intercontinental
airports and fuel inspectors respectively, whereas it is worth mentioning that, following a Joint Inspection Group
(JIG) inspection, the concessionaires in charge of the operation of the airport’s aviation fuel storage and distribution
systems were awarded JIG Certificates of Excellence, rightfully claiming a ‘role model’ position in their very demanding
and competitive area of operations.

Airport Marketing & Pricing

Aeronautical pricing and the offer of complete developmental programmes for airlines, including incentives and marketing
support packages, constitute the cornerstone of AIA’s aeronautical development strategy. In the course of 2012, amid
the continuing adverse economic condition in Greece and the respective impact on the aviation industry, AIA within the
context of defending traffic volumes, containing traffic losses and assisting airlines to sustain, at the extent possible, their
operations, continued to offer airline support programmes and its Traditional Growth Incentive Scheme and proceeded
with the introduction of a series of additional, targeted, new measures clearly demonstrating its active engagement in
supporting its airlines–partners during these critical times while helping them reduce their operating costs.

• During 2012, for a fourth consecutive year AIA maintained all charges unchanged without any inflationary adjustments.
This freezing of charges was complemented by the introduction of even stronger Targeted Schemes for the airlines,
starting as early as February 2012 and continuing until the end of the year.

Financial Statements as at 31 December 2012 (Amounts in Euros unless otherwise stated) Page 4 of 54
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