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CBU aims at high passenger satisfaction and service excellence League Athens Final, during May, where a record number of
through value-for-money products and innovative concepts. football fans was served in less than 48 hours.
CBU continuously monitors consumer behaviour and adapts Private car use for passengers and airport visitors has
to the latest market trends. During 007, CBU developed maintained high modal share rates (0%) in 007. The
new commercial concepts and facilities, refurbished 9 airport passenger car parking facilities generated €16.5
existing commercial facilities and introduced concept/ million revenues, with long-stay car parking and short-stay
brand changes in existing outlets, resulting to substantial parking products contributing by 8% and 6% respectively.
revenue increase. The remaining 9% of the total passenger parking revenues
AIA’s Shopping Centre awareness and branding has been are generated by the executive valet parking service, which
promoted through various marketing activities, such as special presented a remarkable growth of 0%, and the tourist bus
promotions in cooperation with the airport’s concessionaires, parking service.
contributing to sales increase. Aiming at the continuous improvement of car parking services
ACI’s 007 Airport Service Quality continues to rank AIA’s and operation, the parking equipment at the parking facilities
Shopping Centre among the top in Europe, in terms of value has been replaced by new state-of-the art technology.
for money. Increasing car parking demand has been efficiently
Following the latest market trends for personalised terminal accommodated at all times through optimum utilisation of
services, CBU introduced new concepts, such as the “Welcome the airport’s facilities, even during the Christmas 007 record
Service”, i.e. experienced staff welcoming and directing peak where long-stay demand reached approximately 180%
passengers, enhancing the overall passenger experience in of long-stay facilities’ capacity. Towards the Unit’s efforts
the airport’s terminals. to maximise use of existing car parking infrastructure and
In the context of improving terminal aesthetics and providing timely plan and provide additional car parking capacity,
a pleasant and efficient processing, several improvements so that future demand is adequately accommodated, the
were implemented throughout the year, such as the “Fast design of the long-stay car parking facility expansion has
lane” concept for business-class travellers and Passengers been completed and scheduled for implementation within
with Reduced Mobility (PRMs) at the security screening the first half of 008. The capacity of the long-term facility
points, and the functional and aesthetic upgrade of the will be increased by ,00 parking spaces, bringing the total
free Internet kiosks. long-stay car parking capacity to 5,700 spaces. The new
During 007, our terminal staff facilitated more than 1. expansion also includes a new taxi-overflow staging area
million passengers and visitors by providing personalised that will provide dedicated space for up to 00 taxis.
services. The airport’s Call Centre provided airport information
services to the public, achieving high-quality standards (95% PROPERTY BUSINESS UNIT
of incoming calls were replied in less than 1 minute). In
addition, more than 450,000 passengers were served by The direct revenues of AIA’s Property Business Unit in 007
AIA’s mobile agents. reached €6.4 million, increased by 9.% compared to 006,
Provision of high-quality services was ensured at all times, mainly attributed to the new concessions of the Airport Retail
even under demanding situations, such as adverse weather Park and the new building space leases. These revenues are
conditions, circumstances of industrial actions, and traffic generated from the Unit’s core activities, which include the
peaks on the occasion of special events, such as the Champions’ development of AIA’s commercial land, the management
of the Airport Company’s assets, building spaces, facilities
and utilities, as well as the development of the airport’s
cargo business.

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