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Although Aviation Safety Management mainly takes
initiatives to reduce the number of incidents in the long
run, 007 showed a further decrease of 6% in the number
of incidents per 1000 movements compared with 006. A
summary of results is shown in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1
Safety Incidents 2006-2007

Category 2006 2007 % 2006/1000 2007/1000 %
Variance mvts mvts Variance
Damage to 44
Stationary Aircraft 24 23 0.0% 0.021 0.019 -7.0%
Equipment/ 13 12
Equipment Damage 14 10 -4.2% 0.126 0.112 -10.9%
Equipment/ 75 82
Property Damage 130 131 -7.7% 0.068 0.058 -14.2%
Insecured GSE -28.6% 0.073 0.049 -33.6%
Loss of Separation
with a/c 9.3% 0.393 0.399 1.7%
Total 0.8% 0.681 0.638 -6.3%

Athens International Airport considers the issues of emergency Besides the operational excellence that airlines experienced in
response and crisis management of vital importance. The 007, Athens International Airport offered a comprehensive
007 training and exercise schedule consisted of fire drills, developmental support programme with significant
evacuations and aircraft removal exercises in cooperation benefits to a wide spectrum of airlines that operated new
with all responsible airport parties. Moreover, during 007, and additional frequencies to Athens. Capitalising on the
we revised the Airport Emergency Plan (AEP), providing the successful implementation of its aeronautical developmental,
airport community with the most current and up-to-date AIA welcomed 15 new airlines and added 10 new destinations
emergency readiness information manual. and a large number of additional frequencies to its network.
The airport operational effectiveness and efficiency was AIA’s contribution, in the form of monetary incentives,
proved once more to be of high standards, as AIA handled increased by 57% and reached the amount of €4 million,
successfully the UEFA Champions League 007 Final in Athens, assisting more than 60 airlines to maintain and develop
which proved to be in certain parameters even more complex their routes at Athens International Airport.
than the Athens 004 Olympic Games. On 4 May 007, the As a further measure to assist airlines reduce their operating
airport saw 9 aircraft movements and 85,4 passengers costs and enhance competiveness of aviation fuel price at
breaking by 5% the Olympic Games peak day (0/8/004). the airport, the throughput fee for the use of the hydrant
The success was based on a detailed operation plan, which system was significantly reduced by 1.4% as of 1 July
was thoroughly prepared in close cooperation with all involved 007, a result of the joint efforts of the Airport Company
parties (UEFA, Local Organising Committee, State Authorities, and the Olympic Fuel Company (OFC).
HCAA, Ministry of Public Transport, Airport Community, etc). AIA’s marketing support to airlines was significantly
The Airport Company received appreciation from UEFA, the enhanced during 007, by implementing tailor-made media
Hellenic Football Federation, the teams, the Hellenic Civil programmes and undertaking an extensive range of co-
Aviation Authorities and the visiting supporters. promotional activities with more than 40 airlines operating
The high operational standards of the airport are acknowledged scheduled services at Athens International Airport. The media
by Airbus and the first three airlines to operate the A80 value of AIA/Airlines co-promotional activities reached the
(Singapore Airlines, Emirates and Qantas) that officially record amount of €.5 million, an increase of 7% versus
requested to use Athens International Airport as an in-flight 006, reflecting also the extensive and diverse promotional
diversion airport for the specific aircraft type. needs of the 15 new airlines that launched services to our
Ground-handling operations completed a seven-year cycle airport in 007.
at Athens International Airport. In May 007, the Airport Moreover, focusing on the adaptation of modern technologies
Company, following the respective European and National and top-notch e-services, AIA developed innovative on-
legislation, commenced the required tender and selection line tools aiming to respond successfully to the airlines’
processes for the award of restricted third-party and self- continuous need for traffic information.
handling rights for Baggage, Ramp, In-flight Catering Ramp,
Freight & Mail and Fuel services. The successful bidders of
the current tender, presented in Table 6., will commence
their operation by the end of March 008.

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