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6. Our Business units

Aiming to reward the airlines for their contribution to
the airport’s successful traffic development during 007,
AIA presented awards for the 4th consecutive year to the
fastest growing airlines (see Table 6.).

For the rd consecutive year, airline partners rewarded Athens Commercial activities (€48.1 million, up by 8.9%) are the
International Airport with the 1st OAG Airport Marketing main source of these revenues, which are broken down
Award 007 at the 1th World Route Development Forum in Chart 6.7.
“ROUTES 007” in Stockholm. Praised for “maintaining
its Olympic sparkle”, the airport was acknowledged once
more for its innovative airline development programme,
and more specifically, for its participation in the airlines’
initial business risk in developing a new route through its
incentives and marketing programme.


Consumers Business unit (CBU) provides a wide range of
services to the airport passengers and visitors, varying
from terminal and landside operations to commercial,
advertising, car parking and train services. Through
its multi-dimensional role, CBU creates a pleasant and
inviting environment with safe and efficient terminal
and landside operations for passengers and visitors, and
ensures courteous passenger processing and value-for-
money commercial services that meet the latest market
CBU’s service portfolio consistently targets high consumer
satisfaction and high non-aeronautical revenue, and actively
supports the airport’s aeronautical development.
In 007, CBU generated revenues of €66.8 million,
demonstrating a strong growth of 8.7% (see Charts
6.5, 6.6).

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