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7. Corpoate Responsibilty

Athens International Airport is committed to sustainable 7.2 Corporate Citizenship
value creation for all stakeholders, acknowledging its role We respect our active role as a partner to the local and
as a responsible company and balancing objectives and the greater society, and we are committed to aligning our
action plans across four pillars of responsibility: business goals to their emerging needs.
• A irport Operator’s Responsibility In 007, these needs were more challenging than ever. In
• C orporate Citizenship support of the people that suffered from the disastrous fires
• Environmental Responsibility that hit Greece in August, AIA contributed the amount of
• E mployer’s Responsibility €1 million to the Special Fund of the Greek State. Beyond
the corporate contribution, we supported our employees’
In the context of sound Corporate Governance, we fund-raising initiative to help two stock farming communities
operate in compliance with the obligatory framework as to recover.
well as beyond that, incorporating wider moral, social
and environmental aspects. We understand and integrate Local Communities
stakeholders’ expectations in our strategy development and Our obligations related to the communities surrounding
deployment. We systematically report and communicate the airport are clearly defined by the applied regulatory
related information in a regular and transparent manner, framework. During the first seven years of operation, we
in line with prevailing standards and best practices. have taken a step beyond compliance and set corporate
007 was a year of significant developments for AIA’s policies and plans focusing on a balanced co-existence
Corporate Responsibility, since AIA with local stakeholders. Our activities for local community
ranked 4th among the 100 largest relations are structured around three key drivers:
Greek companies according to the • Relations Management – Sustainable dialogue with
AccountabilityTM Rating Greece
survey. This benchmarking survey evaluates the Corporate local authorities, associations and individuals
Responsibility disclosures versus criteria relating to strategy, • A IA as an Agent for Prosperity – Establishment of our
management systems and stakeholder engagement. AIA was
also one of the three Greek companies shortlisted among role as a key driver for the development of the local
the best companies in the world for their sustainability communities
disclosures (GRI Reader’s Choice Awards). • A IA as a Corporate Citizen – Promotion of our active
role as a social partner to the community.
7.1 Airport Operator’s Responsibility Within this scope, in the course of 007, we had several
In a community of hundreds of operating companies, AIA meetings with local representatives, while implementing
plays the leading role in the development of a common our annual Corporate Action Plan of infrastructure projects,
community culture, which ensures that all airport users, services and financial and material support in response to
service providers and state authorities share a sustainable submitted community needs. Special focus was given to
dialogue, which promotes information exchange and actions relating to the environment, education, athletics,
supports consensus for decisions and practices applied. and local culture such as the rd Spring Theatre Festival and
Our corporate Safety Management System is clear evidence the Nautical Festival organised by the Artemis Municipality
of this culture, being applicable for the airport as an entire Nautical Athletic Centre.
system. All airport users incorporate safety principles into
their individual operational programmes, and the Airport Art & Culture and Social Sponsorships
Company monitors their compliance with ICAO and HCAA In cooperation with national and international cultural
requirements, air transport international regulations and organisations and bodies, in 007 we hosted and promoted
aviation industry best practices. events and exhibitions of our country’s cultural heritage
Provision of quality services to the travelling public remains and contemporary art.
our foremost priority. During 007, we responded promptly Since May 007, AIA participates in the Amber Alert
and efficiently to a very large number of passenger Programme, a voluntary partnership between law-enforcement
queries and telephone calls, while we maintained an open agencies, broadcasters, transportation agencies and the
communication line with the airport users, by responding wireless industry, to activate an urgent bulletin that assists
to their written suggestions and complaints. in the search and the safe recovery of lost children.
We maintain constructive cooperation with our Finally, we continue our on-going support to non-profit
concessionaires and, in order to satisfy our commercial organisations for the benefit of society groups in need. In
airport customers, we run marketing surveys identifying that context, through 007, we supported among others
consumer trends. Furthermore, we enhance our services “The Smile of the Child” Association, the Hellenic Society
and improve our facilities in order to offer an optimal travel for Disabled Children, the Greek Council for Refugees and
experience, such as the Terminal Ambience Enhancement the “Elderly House of Athens”.
project, initiated in 007.

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