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lack of information and trust in the Mediter- we set the goal of repositioning our national of our cuisine, culture, and tradition." Elina
ranean diet and olive oil. Many are familiar product in modern terms. However, our pri- Poulou, the founder of Archetypon in Messin-
with the product, but not with the value of ol- mary concern is to pass on our love for our ol- ia, considers our country’s significant advan-
ive oil per se. Therefore, my main goal is to ive cultivation traditions to future generations. tage to be the high quality of its olive oil, as the
change dietary habits." From Corfu, Spyros The Greek olive tree constitutes our most sig- majority of its production falls in the category
Dafnis leads a modern creation, and this year nificant natural heritage and one of the most of extra virgin. "Different olive varieties are
he opened the first olive bar in the city, featur- important developmental factors of the Greek found in every region, creating a long list of
ing his own olive oil, The Governor (thegov- countryside." A little further south, in Zakyn- exceptionally high-quality olive oils that differ He notes, "The olive tree is a living thos, Giorgos Tsomidis takes us on a mental in their basic organoleptic characteristics (fruity,
symbol for Greece and for Greeks, and in some journey to the olive groves of Nioelia: "A cen- bitter, pungent), capable of satisfying the most
cases, with centenarian trees like in Corfu, these tury-old family tradition in olive oil produc- demanding consumers. It is crucial that Greek
trees are living natural monuments, connect- tion, combined with modern research and the production is mainly based on small, tradi-
ed to every aspect of economic and social life." evolution of oil extraction processes, led to the tional family-owned olive groves, with person-
However, all these unique characteristics are creation of NIOÉLIA. A premium, extra vir- alised care, in contrast to the dense or even su-
not adequately reflected in the international gin olive oil, made with Koroneiki variety ol- per-dense plantations of intensive cultivation
community, resulting in people either not per- ives, cold-pressed and with exceptionally low mainly practised in Spain, a leader in global
ceiving them or not recognizing the true value acidity. We apply all traditional olive farming production. So, although Greece ranks third
of this natural product and its strong connec- techniques (such as hand-picking and clean- in global olive oil production, after Spain and
tion to our country. From being the third-larg- ing of the fruit) until the fruit enters the crate Italy, it is the world leader in producing top-
est olive oil producer in the world, the first in and is transported to the olive mill, on the same quality premium olive oil." / Μπορεί ο Johnson
producing extra virgin olive oil, and the top day." For Euthymios Christakos of Kouros of να ζει ανάμεσά μας –με την ευρύτερη έν-
country in per capita consumption, only 3% Zeus (, premium extra virgin νοια– αλλά πιο κοντά μας ζουν άνθρωποι
of the standardised, and therefore, branded olive oil is born through a series of actions that που εκπροσωπούν ένα φρέσκο κύμα ελαι-
olive oil traded internationally is Greek. This contribute to its production. Specifically, he ουργίας, οι οποίοι μέσα από τη δουλειά τους
begins with us, and it is up to us to change." mentions that harvesting is done exclusively μας επιτρέπουν να μιλάμε για εξελιγμένες
And he continues, "The olive culture of our from their own olive groves at an early stage μεθόδους, περίσσιο μεράκι και υποδειγμα-
generation constitutes a set of principles and using methods that prevent injury to the olive τικές συσκευασίες. Ο Χάρης Γουναράς έφτια-
values that govern our perception of every as- and its fruit: "We select olive mills where the ξε την 8:26 Ηistories (@8:Histories) θέλοντας
pect of our olive cultivation, and it's something olive oil is extracted by cold pressing, and the να προωθήσει την Εύβοια, με την ποικιλία
that the new generation of Greek olive oil has process is very controlled. This way, we ensure της θρουμπολιάς: «Ζώντας στο εξωτερικό
established." Building on the Quality-Identity- higher polyphenol levels and low acidity." Ma- πολλά χρόνια και συναναστρεφόμενος με
Export triptych, which is the industry's only ria, Theodora, Vincenzo, and Valandis con- ανθρώπους στην κεντρική Ευρώπη, παρα-
avenue, and combining tradition with tech- tinue the legacy of three generations involved τήρησα τις διατροφικές συνήθειες των λαών
nological innovation and scientific research, in olive oil production in Lasithi, in the moun- και την έλλειψη ενημέρωσης για τη μεσογει-
tain village of Chrysopigi, in honour of which ακή δίαιτα και το ελαιόλαδο. Πολλοί γνωρί-
they named their oil Chrysopigi: "We, descend- ζουν το προϊόν αλλά όχι την αξία του ελαιο-
INSPIRING MARBLES ants of ancestors who loved their land, have λάδου. Άρα λοιπόν ο βασικός στόχος μου εί-
Ell1a from Epidaurus is inspired by the decided to invest in the exceptional olive oil of ναι η αλλαγή στις διατροφικές συνήθειες»,
ancient Greek architecture. / Το Εll1a από this place; in a product directly connected to επισημαίνει. Από την Κέρκυρα ο Σπύρος
την Επίδαυρο εμπνέεται από την αρχαία our Cretan, Mediterranean, and contempo- Δαφνής ηγείται ενός σύγχρονου δημιουργή-
ελληνική αρχιτεκτονική. rary way of life; in a product that is the heart ματος, ενώ έφτιαξε φέτος το πρώτο olive bar
στην πόλη, με σημείο αιχμής το λάδι του, το
The Governor ( «Το δέντρο
της ελιάς αποτελεί για την Ελλάδα και τους
Έλληνες ένα ζωντανό σύμβολο, ενώ, σε ορι-
σμένες περιπτώσεις υπεραιωνόβιων δέντρων,
όπως στην Κέρκυρα, τα δέντρα είναι ζωντα-
νά μνημεία της φύσης, συνδεδεμένα με κά-
θε πτυχή της οικονομικής και κοινωνικής
ζωής. Όλα όμως αυτά τα μοναδικά χαρακτη-
ριστικά δεν καθρεφτίζονται ανάλογα στη δι-
εθνή κοινότητα, με αποτέλεσμα ο κόσμος
είτε να μην τα αντιλαμβάνεται είτε να μην
αναγνωρίζει την πραγματική αξία του φυσι-
κού αυτού προϊόντος και τον δυνατό δεσμό
του με τη χώρα μας. Από την τρίτη ελαιοπα- COURTESY OF ELL1A
ραγωγό χώρα στον κόσμο, την πρώτη σε πα-
ραγωγή εξαιρετικού παρθένου και την πρώ-
τη σε κατά κεφαλή κατανάλωση, μόλις το

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