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P. 63
It beats strongly. You can hear it from the hosting the first modern Olympic Games in law, but her stepdaughter proposed an idea:
speakers that synchronise and rhythmically 1896, the founders and organisers at the time as he was a fast runner, she proposed that he
capture its sound. And then, you hear the joy. were in search of a grand event that could be take part in the preliminary races for the Mar-
The eruption. The applause, like the clatter- connected to the glory of ancient Greece. The athon, and if he won, the stepmother would
ing of castanets in celebration of a new birth: idea of the Marathon (a race between athletes surely relent. On the other hand, Major Pa-
the winner. The one who will step onto the from Marathon to the Panathenaic Stadium, in padiamantopoulos did everything to secure
podium, bring tears to the eyes and make the memory of the distance the messenger ran to Louis' participation. Even though the novice
hearts of the audience throb, trembling like bring the news of the Athenians' victory over athlete did not qualify in the second prelimi-
the application icons on our phone when we the Persians in 490 BC) belongs to the French naries, with his intervention - and "his fist on
try to close them. philhellene Michel Bréal. Of course, he didn't the table" as they say, Louis was accepted, and...
It is the beating of the heart. It is the place where know the exact distance (exactly 42.195 kilo- the Marathon began! It is even said that the
the entire body converges, where its great sto- metres today) and tried to withdraw the idea, Major had a very good relationship with the
ry begins once again. It is the Kallimarmaro but it was too late. The idea was supported by Palace and promoted Louis aggressively, mak-
Stadium. The site of the final and greatest act Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the mod- ing his victory almost a foregone conclusion.
of the most moving Olympic event, which is ern Olympic Games, as well as by the Greeks A side note before we continue: in the first
revived every year in November. The place of themselves. Thus, the Marathon was born! preliminary, distinguished athlete and medi-
redemption of a unique achievement called And because, on that first historic route, there cine student Harilaos Vasilakos was the win-
the Marathon, an attraction for enthusiastic was high Greek participation, it is no surprise ner, also the favourite for the Gold Medal.
spectators, who fill the beautiful marble stands to see a great urban myth regarding who the And now, to continue the journey to that his-
and applaud all those who cross the finish line. real winner of the race was: a Greek or... an- toric Friday, 29 March, 1896. The starting point
This is the story of the first Marathon, which other Greek? was the Tumulus of the Athenians at Marathon,
of course is closely connected to the Pana- History tells us it all happened because of the and the first Marathon runners followed the
thenaic Stadium, as it is officially called; even love a waterseller from Marousi had for the route Vrana - Ekali - Kifisia - Psychiko - Kifis-
more so than its starting point, the Tumulus stepdaughter of a very rich midwife, and the sias Avenue - Irodou Attikou- Kallimarmaro.
of the Athenians at Marathon... trust an army commander had in him. On It is there, somewhere near Marousi, that the
With the Kallimarmaro Stadium having large- one hand, the stepmother did not want the confusion begins...
ly taken its present form in preparation for poor waterseller, Spyros Louis, as a son-in- According to Vasilakos's account, he and Lou-

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