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P. 94
Oct-Dec | 15 Business Personal best


This ship simulator is
located in the Athens
headquarters of Tsakos
Group. In the middle,
a ship’s model in the
office of the company.
Bottom, the Captain in

his office.
Ο προσομοιωτής
πλοίου βρίσκεται στο
κτίριο της Tsakos
Group στην Αθήνα.
Στο μέσον, μακέτα
ενός πλοίου. Κάτω,
ο Kαπετάνιος στο

γραφείο του.

It is historically documented that our country – in whatever we take from
whatever form and with whatever name over the the sea, we invest in
centuries – owes its greatness and existence to the
sea and its people. From the lowliest deckhand to the sea. | o,ti bγαζουμε
the most famous naval heroes and shipowners. απο τη θαλασσα, το
There have been countless benefactions, all from
overseas Greeks, merchants, ship’s captains and επενδυουμε στη θαλασσα.
bankers. We have an obligation to honour this offer-
ing. As for the future, in order for the Greek shipping do to be good Greeks, become hoteliers? Each of
community to offer as much as it can, Greek soci- these ships represents an investment of 50 to 100
ety must in turn embrace shipping and its people. million dollars. Is this not national wealth? Is it not
Where does Greek seamanship stand today? a Greek investment? Over the years, Greek ship-
Everything productive about Greek society has ping has made an enormous contribution to the
been poisoned. The virtues of good housekeeping country’s economy and we hope, with the support
and seamanship have to a great extent been lost,
but the vital core remains. By giving work to young Oof all, that it will become even greater.”
Greeks, you not only help fight unemployment, you ταν ακούει κάποιος τον Kαπετάν Πα-
are also preserving the “Greekness” of shipping. ναγιώτη Τσάκο, τον ιδρυτή της Tsakos
The foreigners we employ on our vessels take not Group, να διηγείται τις ιστορίες του
only our money but also our skills. And tomorrow από τη Χίο, τη θάλασσα και τη ναυτι-
our children, our grandchildren, will be up against λία, είναι σαν να αφουγκράζεται ένα
them as competitors. ποιήμα-ποταμό ενός άλλου θαλασσινού, του ποιη-
Much has been said and written about the stance of τή και ναυτικού Νίκου Καββαδία. Με χιούμορ και
Greek shipowners in the country’s ongoing crisis. On αμεσότητα, αλλά και αγωνία για την απειλούμενη
this matter, the Captain responds sharply: ελληνική ναυτιλία, ο Kαπετάνιος ενσωματώνει την
“Whatever we take from the sea, we invest in the sea πεμπτουσία του ναυτικού πνεύματος, εκείνου που
and give it back to society. It is an offering to the na- έγραψε μια σημαντική πτυχή της ελληνικής ιστορί-
tion. But only very few of us understand and appre- ας, με τόλμη, προσαρμοστικότητα και οξυδέρκεια
ciate this! Look, Greek shipowners invest everything που ξεπερνούσε και ξεπερνά το παρόν για να δια-
in their work. Is their work not in Greece? Are their κτινιστεί στο μέλλον.
companies not Greek? What is this company? And Για τον Καπετάνιο, ωστόσο, η γενέτειρά του, η Χίος,
the vessels that have made Greek shipping number
one in the world for decades now? What must we

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