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Oct-Dec | 15 Business Award

international distinction

Paving the way

Yiannis Paraschis, “Airport Chief Executive of the Year”, along
with AIA is putting his own personal stamp on the
development of successful
international airports.
o Γιάννης Παράσχης, “Airport
Chief Executive of the Year”,
βάζει, μαζί με τον δαα,
προσωπική «σφραγίδα» στη
διαδρομή των επιτυχημένων
διεθνών αεροδρομίων.

W hat makes an airport stand and innovative
out internationally? And who is approaches which have made
the leading figure behind the Athens Airport stand out internationally, despite
exceptionally successful course extremely challenging conditions on both a global
of Athens International Airport? The answers and local level. Selection criteria included constant
to these questions were provided in the most innovation in the field of airport technology, high
emphatic way by the award presented to AIA standard of services coupled with continuously
Chief Executive Officer Yiannis Paraschis in increasing productivity and decreasing operating
Helsinki on 7 October. In the framework of costs, AIA’s particularly successful efforts to
this year’s summit of the leading international reduce its carbon footprint, the initiative to create
aviation information and analysis consultancy the largest unified photovoltaic park at any
“CAPA Centre for Aviation”, he was the first airport worldwide, as well as AIA’s dynamism
airport CEO to be named “CAPA Airport Chief in the area of airport marketing, with a series
Executive of the Year”, a new award established of targeted initiatives and actions to support the
for 2015, for his pioneering approach and ability growth of airline companies which ultimately
to achieve excellent results for the airport despite spell benefits for passengers. At the same time,
extremely difficult conditions. Chairman of Airports a particularly favourable assessment “rating”
Council International (ACI World) for a number was given deriving from the fact that, despite
of years and CEO of Athens International Airport the tough challenges deriving from the severe
since 2007, Yiannis Paraschis was selected by economic crisis, Athens International Airport and
the independent judging panel, made up of its CEO have managed to achieve consistent and
distinguished figures in the aviation sector, as steady growth in passenger numbers.
the most outstanding airport executive for 2015.
Apart from his longstanding contribution to
the aviation sector and international airports in
particular, what “makes the difference”, as he
himself stated at the award ceremony, is that
“with the right governance and the commitment
of a capable and dedicated team, a company
can achieve exceptional results”. The sector’s
very substantial recognition for the Greek CEO’s
work is based not only on the formulation, but
also the implementation of strategies that have
opened new doors and serve as an example to
be followed in the wider airport sector.
The result of a rigorous assessment process, the
award acknowledges the particular characteristics

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