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P. 114
Jan-Mar | 15 Business PAeirrpsoorntaSlebrevsictes


Vote for the homecoming
Following a new AIA initiative, voting polls are now open – the return of the
Parthenon Marbles is, literally, in our hands. | Με νέα πρωτοβουλία του ΔΑΑ, η κάλπη
άνοιξε. Η επιστροφή των γλυπτών του Παρθενώνα είναι -κυριολεκτικά- στα χέρια μας.

Ν ostos, noun, is the Greek word for Within a few days of installation, the vast ma- that the internationally acclaimed New Acrop-
homecoming, the idea of returning jority of voters (95%) support the return of the olis Museum hosted ACES Athens, the 2nd
home after a long journey. Nos- Parthenon Marbles to Greece. This application Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium, where
talgia, a compound noun, comes also offers Greek and foreign passengers the this unique and inspired programme was an-
from the Greek words nostos + algos (pain). possibility to express themselves by creating nounced. CEO of Athens International Airport
While the words may be Greek, the notions a digital view of the Parthenon’s West Façade. Dr. Yiannis Paraschis welcomed more than 140
are timeless and international; much like the Just two moves on the interactive model are top executives from the air transport industry,
return of the Parthenon Marbles to their home- enough to digitally “reconstruct” the pedi- as well as the international banking sector,
land. While this may be an issue that concerns ment, while the puzzle is completed with the the financial sector and the tourism industry,
Greeks first and foremost, it nonetheless rais- return of the only missing, sixth Caryatid to and thanked all partner airports around the
es various cross-cultural questions that tran- her rightful place. Can you imagine a more world for the exceptional support they have
scend borders and concern us all. perfect location than Athens International Air- offered in promoting Athens to over 170 mil-
Recently, international public opinion has been port for visitors to express their views on this lion passengers over the last year.
pushing for the return of the Parthenon Mar- crucial issue of transnational importance for Faithful to taking action to promote Athens as
bles once more, with AIA actively supporting cultural heritage? a tourist destination, this international sym-
the national campaign through a unique ini- Democratic as the city, unique as the posium also sets the stage for the presen-
tiative: four interactive screens, three in De- monument, AIA’s initiative could not tation of AIA’s new initiative, an invitation
partures and one in Arrivals, inviting all air- but be announced at an equally
port guests and passengers to cast their dig- appropriate location – under for all of us to feel like Athenians once
ital vote, regardless of their country of origin, the shadow of the Sa- more, this time through casting our vote
on the simple and clear question: “Should the cred Rock. It therefore in a “direct democracy” process on the
Parthenon Marbles be returned to Athens?” comes as no surprise burning issue of the return of the Par-
thenon Marbles.

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