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P. 104
Oct-Dec | 14 Business Green Awards





With a double distinction at the EuropEan BusinEss
awards for the environment, athens international
airport once again receives recognition for its green
initiatives. | Με Μια διπλή διακρισή στα ευρωπαϊκα ΒραΒεια
επιχειρήσεων για το περιΒαλλον, ο δαα επιΒραΒευεται ξανα

για τισ πρασινεσ πρωτοΒουλιεσ του.
A ll awards are important to Athens with identifying, recording and positively

influencing the most important ecosys-
International Airport, but when
tems, managing fauna in the area, espe-
they are for the environmental
practices it has adopted, then the recog-
nition takes on even greater significance. cially birds, in order to reduce the risk of
collisions with aircraft, as well as man-
And at the European Business Awards for aging the airport’s landscaping in accord-
the Environment 2013-2014, organized by ance with operational and environmental
the Association of Environmental Protec- criteria. At the same time, the programme
tion Companies (PASEPPE), the Airport for the Protection and Promotion of the
received not one but two important dis- Vravrona Wetland and the Coastal Marine
tinctions. AIA placed first in the “Manage- Special Area of Conservation belonging to
ment” category, while also being honoured the Natura 2000 network continues to run
with a Biodiversity Award for its initiatives for the seventh consecutive year. The two
aimed at protecting ecosystems in the ar- awards serve to underline that protecting
ea of Mesogeia, where the airport is locat- the environment remains a top priority for
ed. These initiatives include the creation of Athens International Airport as well as for
an environmental monitoring team tasked the companies operating there.

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