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Jan-Mar | 13 NEXT STOP HERE d MAGAZINE proudly pR eSENTS•
L 5 YEARS Anniversary•SPECIA
Great Greeks Abroad •2boar

le narrateur
internationally acclaimed We could say we are going through the “Gavras What touches me the most regarding the honorary
Greek director Costa-Gavras period”. On the one hand, the Greek Film Archive doctorate given to me by the Aristotle University
speaks to 2board about his Foundation is presenting a retrospective tribute to of Thessaloniki, something I also mentioned to
TIES to his homeland and the the acclaimed director’s cinematic works, on the the Dean, Mr. Mylopoulos, are the meetings and
importance of preserving other hand the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki discussions I want to have with the students.
our cultural heritage appoints him as honorary doctor of the Faculty They are the ones who will build the Greece of
| Σε μια από τις σπάνιες of the Fine Arts Film Department. At the same tomorrow; a Greece that I believe has to undergo
συνεντεύξεις του, ο διεθνούς time, cinemas across the city are still showing many changes in order to become a democracy
φήμης Έλληνας σκηνοθέτης his latest film, Le Capital, a political and financial worthy of its name.
Κώστας Γαβράς μιλάει στο thriller. Costa Gavras spoke to 2board about his Yet you have referred to the French National
2board για τους δεσμούς του connections to his homeland and the importance Film Archive, which you have been President
με την πατρίδα του και τη of preserving our cultural heritage. of for several years, as “a sort of Parthenon
διαφύλαξη της πολιτιστικής How important is it for you to maintain close for Cinema”.
κληρονομιάς. ties with Greece? I am a French national and chose France to be my
I am very proud the Greek Film Archive Foundation home; France in turn accepted and adopted me,
42 is presenting a retrospective of my films; it is allowing me to become who I am. At the same
truly an honour. Film Archives are like cinema time, France never asked me to renounce my
museums – entering one is like entering the roots, something I would have never agreed to
hearts of the viewers. anyway. I have immense passion for France and
And the students… never cease to cultivate my passion for Greece.
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